Counting of service in old unit/cadre on request transfer for the purpose of Qualifying Service for promotion in new unit/cadre
All India Railwaymenโs Fedration
No.AIRF/53(310) Dated: December 24, 2020
The D.G.(H.R.),
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Counting of service in old unit/cadre on request transfer for the purpose of Qualifying Service for promotion in new unit/cadre
Ref.:(i) AIRFโs earlier letter of even number dated 18.10.2014
(ii) Railway Boardโs letter No.E(NG)I-2006/CFP/9 dated 27.07.2006(RBE No.99/2006)
Your kind attention is invited towards our earlier communication (mentioned at S.No.(i) above) on the subject matter, wherein Railway Board was requested to dispense with Clause (ii) para 3 of their letter quoted at S.No.(ii) above. Regrettably, no action appears to have been taken so far by the Railway Board in this regard.
AIRF is of the considered opinion that, Minimum Qualification for Direct Recruitment is 10th Pass + ITI/Act Apprentice in erstwhile Group `Dโ Category(GP Rs.1800), as such, the recruits possess basic knowledge and skills, required as Helper, in any of the disciplines/categories.
It is worth mentioning here that, a good number of recruits have even much higher academic and professional qualifications. Transfer on own request is only considered at bottom seniority of the respective new unit/cadre which he accepts at the initial stage, while applying for the same, for the sake of his responsibilities towards the family, to pull on smoothly with mental peace, which is also the foremost requirement for his dedication towards the duties assigned to him, with optimum quality output.
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Bottom seniority in new unit is sufficient sacrifice to his career, but at the same time, to ignore his length of regular service in old unit/cadre of same grade(GP Rs.1800) while considering Residency Period in a grade at new unit, with a term of Probation Period, is against natural justice. Debarring from eligibility criteria, for his promotion to Group `Cโ in GP Rs.1900, when eligibility qualification for Direct Recruitment, is same without any experience though he has rendered service faithfully, having similar qualification in lower grade, in GP Rs.1800, in old unit and gained lot of skills and experience.
It is, therefore, once again requested to look into the matter afresh and action taken may kindly be advised to this office. An early action in the matter is solicited.
โCopy to: E.D.E.(I.R.), Railway Board โ for necessary action please.
โCopy to: General Secretaries, All Affiliated Unions โ for information.
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