Timely and Quality Resolution of Grievances of Subscribers of NPS and Monitoring Quality of Resolution of the Grievances: PFRDA

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Timely and Quality Resolution of Grievances of Subscribers of NPS and Monitoring Quality of Resolution of the Grievances: PFRDA

Timely and Quality Resolution of Grievances of Subscribers of NPS and Monitoring Quality of Resolution of the Grievances: PFRDA Circular dated 27.02.2025/24.02.2025 for All Govt Nodal Offices (CG/CAB/SG/SAB) under NPS Architecture


File No.: PFRDA/17/08/11/0021/2017-SUP-SG

Date: 27.02.2025


एनपीएस आर्किटेक्‍चर के अंतर्गत सभी सरकारी नोडल कार्यालय (सीजी/सीएबी/एसजी/एसएबी)
All Govt Nodal Offices (CG/CAB/SG/SAB) under NPS Architecture

महोदय/महोदया, / Dear Sir/Madam,

Subject: Regarding Timely and Quality Resolution of Grievances of Subscribers of NPS and Monitoring Quality of Resolution of the Grievances

This is with reference to direction received from Cabinet Secretariat and Dept. of Financial Services (DFS), regarding actionable emerged during the PRAGATI meeting held on 26th December,2024.

2. In order to comply with the directions, following actions may be taken on priority basis:

  1. Ensure timely and quality redressal of subscribers’ grievances.
  2. To Conduct case studies in order to assess efficacy and the impact of grievance mechanisms, identify systemic gaps and take suitable action to address the same.
  3. To Conduct root cause analysis to effectively identify and address recurring issues.
  4. To Develop robust quality metrics and parameters to evaluate citizen satisfaction and the effectiveness of resolution processes.
  5. To ensure strengthened enforcement actions against unfair practices and fix accountability for delays.
  6. To resolve the grievances pertaining to various government sponsored schemes.
  7. To conduct a review meeting, once a month headed by senior officials of your department/ organisation.

3. Further, please find enclosed PFRDA circular dated 24.02.2025 regarding timely and quality resolution of grievances for ready reference.

भवदीय/ Yours sincerely,

(विकास कुमार सिंह) / (Vikas Kumar Singh)
मुख्‍य महाप्रबंधक / Chief General Manager

– Encl.: As above




Circular No: PFRDA/2025/01/CPGRAMS/01

Date: 24.02.2025


All Govt Nodal Offices including Autonomous Bodies, PoPs, CRAs, PFMs, RAs, NPS Trust and TB

Sir/ Madam,

Subject: Regarding Timely and Quality Resolution of Grievances received under Centralized Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS) Portal

1. Introduction

The Centralized Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS), under the Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances (DARPG), is a platform for lodging grievances related to public service delivery which is monitored at the highest level in the Government of India. PFRDA is registered in CPGRAMS as a subordinate organization under DF5 (Pension Reforms) and is responsible for ensuring the redressal of grievances related to the National Pension System (NPS) and Atal Pension Yojana (APY) received through the CPGRAMS portal.

2. Timelines for Resolution of Grievances

The timelines for resolution of grievances on the CPGRAMS Portal is 21 days. However, all efforts are to be made to resolve the grievances within the earliest possible time. The status of the grievance filed in CPGRAMS can be tracked with the unique registration ID provided at the time of registration by the complainant. CPGRAMS also provides appeal facility to the citizens if they are not satisfied with the resolution by the Grievance Officer.

3. Option to File an Appeal

After closure of grievance, the complainant has the option to provide feedback. If the complainant is not satisfied with the resolution and has given the ‘Poor’ rating as feedback, then the option to file an appeal is enabled. The status of the Appeal can also be tracked by the petitioner with the grievance registration number. The quality of resolutions should be ensured to avoid poor feedback rating by the complainants on the portal.

4. Advisory from the Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance

The PFRDA is provided all pendency reports and data on feedback rating, extracted from the CPGRAMS Portal, on frequent periodicity, advising PFRDA to ensure quick disposal of public grievances by all concerned. Monthly meetings are also held with Regulators to discuss all outstanding grievances to ensure timely and quality resolution.

5. Utmost care may be taken that all the grievances received at the end of intermediaries/ entities /Government Nodal offices are resolved within defined turn-around time while ensuring quality resolution. In this regard, the diagrammatic representation of CPGRAM is given below-



(Source: Annexure A to DARPG OM Dated 23.08.2024)

6. It may be noted that, as per the DARPG OM dated 23.08.2024, following category of complaints do not fall under the ambit of CPGRAM as they are covered under separate protocols. The illustrative list of such complaints is as below:

  1. RTI Matters
  2. Court related / Sub-judice matters
  3. Religious Matters
  4. Grievances of Government employees concerning service matters
  5. Suggestions
  6. Anything that impacts upon territorial integrity of the country or friendly relations with other countries.

7. The Annexure A “Grievance Handling Process” of DARPG OM dated 23.08.2024 is also enclosed for ready reference.

8. This circular is being issued under sub-section (1) of Section 14 of PFRDA Act 2013, with the approval of the competent authority.

Yours Sincerely,

(Vikas Kumar Singh) .
Chief General Manager

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