Rush of expenditure during the last hours of end of F.Y. 2024-2025 โ Opening of Pay and Accounts Office on Saturdays and Sundays falling in March, 2025: FinMin, CGAโs O.M. dated 21.03.2025
F. No. TA-2-03002(03)/1/2021-TA-II/e-5450/88
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Office of Controller General of Accounts
Mahalekha Niyantrak Bhawan,
E-Block, INA, New Delhi
Dated: 21st March, 2025.
Subject: Rush of expenditure during the last hours of end of F.Y. 2024-2025-reg
In continuation of this office OMs dated 5-3-2025 and 12-3-2025 (copy enclosed), it is stated that the Second Supplementary Demands for Grants 2024-25(March, 2025) has been issued on 20-3-2025.
2. It is hereby advised that the following actions may be taken by Pr.CCA/CCA/CA(i/c) of Ministries/Departments to ensure streamlining of bills payments during the last hours of end of F.Y. 2024-2025:
- Opening of Pay and Accounts Office on Saturdays and Sundays falling in March, 2025 to clear the pendency of bills in hand on daily basis. No bills in hand should be pending at PAO level by 23rd March, 2025.
- Ministries/Departments may be sensitized to submit the bills to PAOs for the budget received through Supplementary Demands for Grants 2024-25 (March, 2025) by 25th March, 2025, positively.
- All capex and other bulk expenditure to be booked before 25th March, 2025.
- A consolidated controller-wise bill pendency report containing number of bills received, cleared and pending at the close of the day will be monitored on a daily basis, in the Office of CGA starting from 21st March till 31st March, 2025.
This issues with the approval of CGA.
Encl: As above A,
(Sanchita Shukla)
Joint Controller General of Accounts(ARPR)
All Pr. CCAs/CCAs/CA(i/c) of Ministries/Departments
Copy for kind information to:
1. Addl. CGA (HR & Oversight)/ Addl. CGA(PFMS)
2. FAs of Ministries/Departments
3. PPS to CGA