Extension of timelines for completion of pending APAR for the year 2023-2024 โ€“ The portal will be closed for all the stages: Railway Board


Extension of timelines for completion of pending APAR for the year 2023-2024 โ€“ The portal will be closed for all the stages: Railway Board

Extension of timelines for completion of pending APAR for the year 2023-2024 โ€“ The portal will be closed for all the stages: Railway Board Order dated 13.03.2025


File No. PC-VII/2024/HRMS/4

New Delhi, Dated: 13/03/2025


The General Managers,
All Indian Railways

Sub : Extension of timelines for completion of pending APAR for the year 2023-2024.

Ref : Boardโ€™s letter of even number dated 15.05.2024, 01.08.2024 & 03.01.2025

Vide Boardโ€™s letter under reference timelines for completion of APARs for the year 2023-2024 through HRMS was issued. As per the timelines, entire process was to be completed by 31st January 2025.

2. It has been observed that on expiry of the timeline around 8500 APARs are pending across various field units at various levels. After careful consideration of the pendency position, in order to ensure 100% finalization of APARs, it has been decided by the Competent Authority to extend the timeline for finalization of the APARs pending at accepting stages till 15th March 2025. There will be no extension for timelines in respect of pending APARs at self-appraisal stage, reporting stage and reviewing stage.

3. All field units may take necessary steps to ensure that the pending APARs are completed within the extended timelines. On completion of the extended timeline, the portal will be closed for all the stages in respect of APARs for the year 2023-24.

4. As regards, APARs for the year 2024-25 it has been decided to open the process for submission of self-appraisal and reporting in respect of APARs especially in cases where the reporting officials are retiring in March 2025 and April, 2025 to facilitate complete the process of reporting timely.

5. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.

Signed by Jaya Kumar G
Date: 13-03-2025 13:25:15
Reason: Approved
(Jaya Kumar G)
Joint Director Pay Commission & HRMS
Railway Board
Tele No. : 011-47845125
e-mail ID : jaya.kumarg[at]gov.in

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