Extending of reservation in promotion of PWBD employees required Unique Disability ID: CGA, FinMin O.M.

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Extending of reservation in promotion of PWBD employees required Unique Disability ID: CGA, FinMin O.M.

Extending of reservation in promotion of PWBD employees required Unique Disability ID: CGA, FinMin O.M. dated 12.03.2025

No. A-65061 (55)/176/2025/Misc./MF-CGA (A)/HR-III/799
Government of India
M/o Finance, D/o Expenditure
Office of Controller General of Accounts

Mahalekha Niyantrak Bhawan,
E Block, GPO Complex, INA,
New Delhi-110 023.

Dated: 12th March, 2025


Subject:- Extending of reservation in promotion of PWBD employees-regarding

Reference is invited to DoPTโ€™s OM No. 36012/1/2020-Estt. (Res.-II) dated 17.05.2022 and subsequent OMs dated 28.12.2023 and dated 09.10.2024 vide which benefit has been extended for reservation in promotion to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PWBD).

2. It is brought to notice of all concerned that amendment to Rule 17 and Rule 18 of the Rights to Persons with Disabilities Rules, 2017 have been notified and published in the official Gazette of Gol on 16.10.2024 by the D/o Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, M/o Social Justice and Empowerment. The revised provisions of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Amendment) Rules, 2024 have been implemented in the UDID portal (https://www.swavlambancard.gov.in). A copy of revised rules is enclosed for information of all concerned.

3, Proviso to Rule 17 and Rule 18 of the Gazette notification dated 16.10.2024 provides that any person with specified disability has to submit application through UDID Portal for Unique Disability Identity (UDID) Card by following the procedure specified therein the ibid Rules.

4. In compliance to ibid notification dt. 16.10.2024. all concerned Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PWBD) working in CGA organisation are required to register themselves on the UDID portal of the D/o Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, M/o Social Justice and Empowerment (https://www.swavlambancard.gov.in) and submit Disability certificate/Unique Disability ID duly verified by an officer not below the rank of Dy.CA (with official stamp) to this office for considering their cases for grant of promotion and extending other benefits applicable to persons with Benchmark Disabilities.

5. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.

(Jyoti Vinod)
Sr. Accounts Officer

1) All Pr.CCA/CCA/CA of Ministry/Department concerned.
2) All concerned PWBD officers (AAOs/Sr.AQOs).
3) Sr.AO (ITD), O/o CGA, New Delhi for uploading on the CGAโ€™s website.
4) Guard File.

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