Staff Benefit Fund, Committee (SBFC) Meetings/Camps โ€“ Clarification regarding the facility of substitution: Railway Board RBE No. 12/2025


Staff Benefit Fund, Committee (SBFC) Meetings/Camps โ€“ Clarification regarding the facility of substitution: Railway Board RBE No. 12/2025

Staff Benefit Fund, Committee (SBFC) Meetings/Camps โ€“ Clarification regarding the facility of substitution: Railway Board RBE No. 12/2025 Advance Correction Slip (ACS) No.148  dated 06.02.2025

RBE No. No. 12/2025
Advance Correction Slip (ACS) No.148 

เคญเคพเคฐเคค เคธเคฐเค•เคพเคฐ GOVERNMENT OF INDIA
เคฐเฅ‡เคฒ เคฎเค‚เคคเฅเคฐเคพเคฒเคฏ MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS
(เคฐเฅ‡เคฒเคตเฅ‡ เคฌเฅ‹เคฐเฅเคก) (RAILWAY BOARD)


New Delhi, dated 06.02.2025


The General Managers/DGs/CAOs(P)
All Indian Railways/PUs/CTIs.

Sub: Clarification regarding the facility of substitution for Staff Benefit Fund, Committee (SBFC) Meetings/Camps.

Ref: Boardโ€™s letter No. E(W)2019/FU-1/12 dated 05.08.2020 (RBE No.57/2020).

In continuation of ACS No.142 circulated vide above referred letter, communicating Boardโ€™s decision for incorporation of substitution facility below Rule 808 of Indian Railway Establishment Code, Volume I, Fifth Edition-1985(Third Reprint Edition-2008), the Competent Authority has now accorded approval for modification of the same, as indicated below to maintain uniformity in the same facility to all recognised Unions and Associations:-

Exiting clause Modified Clause
There is no objection to substitute taking the place of nominated member in Committee Meetings/Camps of SBF provided the reasons therefor and alternative arrangement is duly informed in advance by the concerned Association i.e. AISCSTREA & AIOBCREA.

There is no objection to the substitute taking the place of nominated member in Committee Meetings/Camps of SBF, provided the reasons therefor and alternative arrangement is duly informed in advance by the concerned recognised Union/Association.

2. Necessary action may accordingly be taken, as per exigency.

(V. Somadas)
Deputy Director Estt.(Welfare)
Railway Board
Phone No.: 011-47845543
E-mail ID: v.somdas[at]

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