Instructions on filling up of Accounts line posts of Postal/RMS Wing: Department of Posts Order dated 11.02.2025
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Personnel Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi โ 110001
February 11, 2025
1. All Chief Postmasters General / Postmasters General
2. Chief General Manager, BD Directorate / Parcel Directorate /PLI Directorate
3. Director, RAKNPA / GM, CEPT / Directors of all PTCs
4. Addl. Director General, Army Postal Service, New Delhi .
5. All General Managers (F inance) / Directors Postal Accounts / DDAP
Subject:-Instructions on filling up of Accounts line posts of Postal/RMS Wing..
Madam / Sir,
I am directed to say that a number of references are being received from Postal Circles seeking clarification in connection with filling up of Accounts line posts of Postal/RMS side.
2. On various occasions, it has come to notice of the Directorate that Postal Circles have been following different yardsticks for filling up of Accounts line posts.
3. Postal Circles have identified posts in various cadres i.e. in PA/SA/ LSG/ HSG for the purpose of Accounts work. As per this office record, Recruitment Rules of LSG (Accountant) in PO/RMS have been framed in the year 2011 and RRs of HSG-II (Accountant) in PO was notified in year 1976 and further amended in 1982.
4. Rule 273 of Postal Manual Vol-IV provides for conducting of examination amongst Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant having not less than three years of continuous service for posting against posts identified for Accounts work. This examination is only qualifying in nature. Further, vide letter no. 93-13/99-SPB-II dated 23.12.1999, it was clarified that PO & RMS Accountants are borne on the gradation list of PA/SA cadre. There is no change in the seniority in PA/SA cadre of PO & RMS Accountants after passing the Accountants examination, which is qualifying in nature.
5. It is observed that PA/SA Cadre officials, who have passed the PO & RMS Accountant examination, are being given promotion as LSG (Accountant), both in Post Office and RMS Cadres. Further, LSG (Accountant) are being promoted to the level of HSG-II (Accountant). As a result, two channels of promotions are being operated for PA/SA โ one in general line and other in Accounts line, Further, there is no uniformity in Circles with regard to the level up to which Accounts line posts are being operated.
6. This issue has been examined in consultation with Establishment Division of Postal Directorate, to provide guidelines to maintain uniformity across Circles. Accordingly, the Competent Authority has approved following guidelines for filling up of posts identified for Accounts work:-
- Circles shall identify the number of posts required at PA/SA/LSG/HSG levels for Accounts work. However, posts so identified for Accounts work shall continue to be part of the general line whether in PO side or RMS side. Accordingly, posts identified for Accounts work shall not be shown / treated as a separate cadre henceforth.
- No further promotion /appointment shall be made against the posts identified for Accounts work at LSG/ HSG levels.
- Those officials, who are already appointed as LSG/HSG(Accountant), shall continue to hold such posts and shall be posted against the posts identified for Accounts work at that level, till their further promotion in accordance with these revised guidelines.
- Henceforth, posts identified for Accounts work at various levels shall be manned in the following manner:-
- Those PA/SA officials, who have qualified the PO & RMS Accountant Examination, may be posted against the posts identified for Accounts work at PA/SA level.
- Those PA/SA officials who have been promoted to the level of LSG in general line (both PO and RMS side) and had earlier qualified the PO & RMS Accountant Examination, may be posted against the posts identified for Accounts work at LSG level.
- Similarly, those officials who have been promoted to the level of HSG-IJ/HSG-I in general line (both PO and RMS side) and had earlier qualified the PO & RMS Accountant Examination, may be posted against the posts identified for Accounts work at those levels.
- Those officials who are already appointed as LSG (Accountant) in PO shall be eligible for promotion only to the cadre of HSG-II in PO General Line and not as HSG-II (Accountant) in PO. Similarly, those officials who are already appointed as LSG (Accountant) in RMS shall be eligible for promotion only to the cadre of HSG-II in RMS and not as HSG-II (Accountant) in RMS.
- A common seniority list shall be prepared for the LSG in PO General Line and those who are already appointed as LSG (Accountant) in PO, who are holding such posts on the date of issue of these guidelines, for giving promotion to the cadre of HSG-II in PO General Line. In the common seniority list, an official already appointed as LSG (Accountant) in PO shall be placed below the LSG (PO) officials who were senior to him in PA (PO) cadre but above the LSG (PO) officials who were junior to him in PA(PO) cadre. Similar procedure shall be followed for RMS line also.
- Those officials who are already appointed as HSG-II (Accountant) in PO shall be eligible for promotion only to the cadre of HSG-I in PO General Line. A common seniority list shall be prepared for the HSG-II in PO General Line and those who are already appointed as HSG-II (Accountant) in PO, who are holding such posts on the date of issue of these guidelines, for giving promotion to the cadre of HSG-I in PO General Line. In the common seniority list, an official already appointed as HSG-II (Accountant) in PO shall be placed below the HSG-II (PO) officials who were senior to him in PA (PO) cadre but above the HSG-II (PO) officials who were junior to him in PA(PO) cadre.
Yours faithfully,
(Vangara Prasad)
Assistant Director General(SPN)
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