Holding of Selections for promotions to Group ‘B’ post of Public Relation Officer on the Railways — Question Paper Authorities: RBE No. 08/2025 dated 30.01.2025
RBE. No. 08 /2025
No. E(GP)2006/2/17 {E.No. 3069003)
New Delhi, dated: 30.01.2025
The General Managers,
All Indian Railways & Production Units.
(Kind attn.: PCPOs/PFAs/Dy. CPO(G)/ Dy. CAO(G))
Sub.: Holding of Selections for promotions to Group ‘B’ post of Public Relation Officer on the Railways — Authorities for setting up of Question Papers.
Ref.: Board’s letters no. E(GP)2018/2/31 dt.19.03.2019 and 20.07.2020
Please refer to instructions contained in Board’s letters no. E(GP)2018/2/31 dt.19.03.2019 and 20.07.2020 regarding authorities for setting up the question papers for written examinations held as part of Selections/LDCE including pre-qualifying examination of LDCEs for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts. It has now been decided by the Board that for holding Selections for promotions to Group ‘B’ post of Public Relation Officer, Principal Chief Commercial Manager on the concerned Railway or contiguous Railway may be nominated for setting up the Question Paper, with approval of the concerned General Manager.
2. This also disposes of references received from Western Railway vide their letters no. E(G)1024/0 (Nominations) dt. 09.12.2024 and dt. 27.12.2024.
3. Hindi version will follow.
(Harsha Sikri Arora)
Dy. Director-IV, Estt. (GP)
Railway Board
Ph. No. 23047148
E. Mail Id- sikri.harsha[at]gov.in