E-bill implementation in CDDOs and associated NCDDOs โ Guidelines for Codification of โHoD authorized (Sanction Checker) user in PFMS: CGA, FinMin O.M. dated 11.02.2025
File No. I-0090001/1/2024-ITD-CGA/16976/182
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Controller General of Accounts
Public Financial Management System
GIFMIS Vertical
Dated:11 February, 2025
Subject: Guidelines for Codification of โHoD authorized (Sanction Checker) user in PFMS for E-bill implementation in CDDOs and associated NCDDOs -reg.
The Codification of Sanctioning Authority (PD Codification) is a critical prerequisite for the e-bill functionality within the Public Financial Management System (PFMS) wherein all selected entities for e-billing, require to have their sanctioning authorities codified.
2. The specific reference for these guidelines which outlines the codification process for Head of Department authorized (Sanction Checker) are issued by Office of Controller General of Accounts vide its Office Memorandum No. TA-2-17002(01/15/2020-TA-CGA/368, dated 19-04-2021) (Copy Enclosed).
3. This structured process of Sanction Authority codification ensures smooth registration of Sanction Authority Office and further the linkage of authorized users as Sanction Authorities Checkers and Sanction Authority maker users under this code in PFMS. The brief summarized process flow for Sanctioning Authority Code creation through PFMS is re-iterated as under: โ
(i) Drawing and Disbursing Officer (DDO) downloads, fills, and ink-signs the Sanctioning Authority Code Creation Form available at https://pfms.nic.in/Users/LoginDetails/NewLayoutLogin.aspx (Copy Attached). This form is then verified and signed by the Sanctioning Authority Officer of that Office. After the ink sign form verification, the DDO, through his login id, enters the verified details through the option Admin master>create PD code in PFMS. The scan copy of the verified form will also be mandatorily uploaded in the system through the โupload documentโ option. DDO then forward the sanction authority code creation request in PFMS to the PAO along with ink-signed form.
(ii) The Pay and Accounts Officer will review and approve the Sanction Authority Code creation request on PFMS. On approval, system generate a 8-digit Sanctioning Authority code (starting with โ4โ).
(iii) Once the code is generated, a system email is sent to the sanctioning authority and DDO. Only after this code generation Sanction Checkers user ids (responsible for issuing sanctions) can be created/approved under this assigned code as per the predefined protocols of PFMS. Sanction checker users once approved, can create and approve Sanction Makers users id. The details of PD code can also be checked from the CAM Reports>Masters->MST-O04Sanctioning Authority Code Details Report.
(iv) Detailed flow for the process can also been be referred to from the page-3 of Sanctioning Authority Code Creation Form (Copy Attached).
4. All Pr. CCAs, CCAs, and CAs with independent charges are requested to widely circulate this memorandum and other relevant guidelines to all PAOs, CDDOs, NCDDOs, and Sanctioning Authorities (PDs) within their ministries and departments. This will ensure a smooth and standardized process, minimizing user challenges and enhancing overall efficiency.
Encl:- As above.
(B Gopala Krishna Raju)
Asst. Controller General of Accounts