Uniform procedure for change of Name/Date of Birth in Pension Payment Order (PPO): AGโ€™s Branch IHQ of MoD(Army) Order


Uniform procedure for change of Name/Date of Birth in Pension Payment Order (PPO): AGโ€™s Branch IHQ of MoD(Army) Order

Uniform procedure for change of Name/Date of Birth in Pension Payment Order (PPO): AGโ€™s Branch IHQ of MoD(Army) Order dated 11-12-2024


Addl Dte Gen of Manpower
(Policy & Planning)/ ORO (Coord)
Adjutant Generalโ€™s Branch
IHQ of MoD (Army)
West Block-III, RK Puram,
New Delhi โ€” 110066

12656/Gen/T-1/MP 5 (B)

11 Dec 2024

All HQ Comds


1. Introduction. A case was taken up by Service HQ for simplification and adopting uniform procedure for Change of Name/Date of Birth of retired personnel and their dependents in Pension Payment Order (PPO) of all three Services. A Tri Service Committee was convened under the ADG MP (P & P), IHQ of MoD to formulate a uniform procedure amongst all three Services. The proposal for uniform procedure has been concurred by MoD, DESW vide letter No 1(7)/2013/D(P/P)-Vol II dt 07 Oct 2024.

2. Aim. To simplify the procedure and documents required for carrying out changes/ amendments in the Name/ Date of Birth of retired personnel and their dependents.

3. Procedure. Following procedure will be adopted for Change of Name/Date of Birth of retired personnel and their dependents in Pension Payment Order (PPO):-

(a) Change of Date of Birth in PPO.

(i) Correction of Date of Birth of Retired Officers/JCOs and OR of Indian Army and Equivalent in Indian Air Force and Indian Navy. There will be no provision for correction of the โ€˜Date of Birthโ€™ of retired officers/JCOs/OR of Indian Army and equivalent in Indian Air Force and Indian Navy. Any bonafide mistake will be rectified in accordance with the commissioning letter / enrolment form. Format at Appendix A.

(ii) Correction/Endorsement of Date of Birth for Dependents of Retired Person. The same will be aligned to the procedure enunciated vide Dept of ESW, MoD vide policy letter No 1(11)/2009-D (Pen/Pol) dt 23 Dec 2014. The following documents will be mandated: โ€“

(aa) โ€˜Self-attestedโ€™ copy of either PAN Card/Matriculation Certificate/Passport/ECHS Card/Driving License/Election ID Card/Aadhar Card.

(ab) Declaration on non- judicial stamp paper regarding correct date of birth. Format at Appendix B.

(ac) In the case of children, certificate of birth from the Registrar/Municipal authorities/ local Panchayat/Head of recognised school if he/she is studying in such a school/ Board of Education. Format at Appendix C.

(b) Change of Name in PPO.

(i) Addition /Amendment in Surname / First Name / Middle Name Including Spelling Error in Name _ of Retired Officer/JCOs and OR of Indian Army and Equivalent in Indian Air Force and Indian Navy. The following documents will be mandated: โ€“

(aa) Personal application by retired personnel.

(ab) โ€˜Gazzette Notificationโ€™ only for officers, Honorary Commissioned Officers and JCO equivalent ranks. For ORs Affidavit from 1st Class Magistrate along with Newspaper Advertisement in English Newspaper.

(ac) Newspaper cuttings of two national dailies.

(ad) Copies of PAN Card and Aadhar Card self-attested.

(ae) Latest Pension account details.

(af) Any bonafide mistake will be rectified in accordance with the commissioning letter/ enrolment form when no change in name is sought. Format at Appendix D.

(ii) Addition /Amendment in Surname Including Spelling Error in Name Provided Pronunciations remain the Same for Dependents of Retired Person. The following documents will be mandated: โ€“

(aa) Personnel application.

(ab) Copies of PAN Card and Aadhar Card self-attested.

(ac) An affidavit by 1st class Magistrate substantiating the change of surname including spelling error in name. Format at Appendix E.

(iii) Addition /Change/Amendment in Main (first) and Middle Name for Dependents of Retired Person. The following documents will be mandated:-

(aa) Personnel application.

(ab) Copies of PAN Card and Aadhar Card self-attested.

(ac) An affidavit by 1% class Magistrate substantiating the change of Main (first) and Middle name. Format at Appendix F.

(ad) Newspaper cutting of minimum two national dailies.

4. For necessary changes/ amendments in Name/Date of Birth of retired personnel and their dependents in Pension Payment Order (PPO), applicants can approach following offices:-

(a) Offr Veterans / NSOK/ Dependents of Indian Army. ORO/ MP 5.

(i) Address.

Officers Record Office (ORO)
Adjutant Generalโ€™s Branch
IHQ of MoD (Army)
West Block- Ill, RK Puram
New Delhi- 110066

(ii) Landline No. 01126757700

(iii) Mob No. 8800352938, 8130591689

(b) JCO/OR Veterans/ NsOK/ Dependents of Indian Army. Respective Record offices.

(Nitin Sharma)
Col MP-5
For Adjutant General

Encls. As above.

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