Recognition to Federations at Railway Board level – AIRF and NFIR for period of five years


Recognition to Federations at Railway Board level – AIRF and NFIR for period of five years

Recognition to Federations at Railway Board level – All India Railwaymen’s Federation(AJRF) and National Federation of Indian Railwaymen(NFIR) for period of five years vide Railway Board letter dated 13.01.2025

(रेलवे बोर्ड RAILWAY BOARD)


Rail Bhawan, New Delhi – 110 001, dated : 13.01.2025

The General Secretary,
4, State Entry Road,
New Delhi — 110 055.

The General Secretary,
3, Chelmsford Road,
New Delhi — 110 055.

Sub: Recognition to Federations at Railway Board level.

Dear Sirs,

Secret Ballot Election Committee—III (SBEC—III) constituted vide Railway Board’s order No.ERB-I/2023/23/60 dated 17.11.2023 had proposed the following norms for recognition of Federation(s) at Railway Board’s level, which have been approved by the competent authority and circulated vide letter of even number dated 10.12.2024:-

  1. For the purpose of recognition of Federation by the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) Railway Federation means the federated body of such Railway Unions which are registered under Trade Unions Act, 1926 and exclusively represent the interest of all category of non—gazetted Railway Servants including erstwhile Group ‘D’ Railway Servants of Railways;
  2. The Railway Federation should have been existing or registered as such for at least one year as on 31.12.2023;
  3. The constituent Trade Unions of Railways Federation should have got recognition in at least 06 of the 17 Zonal Railways (16 Zones & Metro Railway, Kolkata) based on SBE-III Unions Elections;
  4. The constituent Trade Unions of Railways Federation should have collectively got at least 15% of the valid votes polled on all Indian Railways basis (excluding RCF & CLW) in SBE-III Trade Union Elections.

2. Consequent upon the results of Secret Ballot Elections conducted from 04.12.2024 to 06.12.2024, only two Federations, namely All India Railwaymen’s Federation(AIRF) and National Federation of Indian Railwaymen(NFIR), fulfil the above mentioned norms of recognition of Federations.

3. Board(CRB & CEO) has decided to accord recognition to the two Federations namely All India Railwaymen’s Federation(AJRF) and National Federation of Indian Railwaymen(NFIR) at Railway Board level for a period of Five(5) years subject to the following conditions and also the judgement/ orders in various Court Cases:

  1. The Federation and their affiliated Unions on Zonal Railways at all time should follow provision contained in Chapters 25(Part B & C) and 26 of Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Volume-II.
  2. Only a railway employee/ honorably retired railway employee may hold any position in the Federation. Facilities from Railways shall be extended only to the office bearers of the Federation.
  3. A copy of the constitution of the Federation as in force at present may be supplied to the Railway Board with 5 spare copies. Any amendment to the constitution in future should be advised to Railway Board within 15 days of its incorporation.
  4. The Railway Board should be supplied regularly with copies of the rules of the Federation and amendment thereto as also annual list of its office bearers.
  5. The Federation shall not maintain any political fund.
  6. The Federation should use their influence and take steps to prevent illegal action calculated to interfere with the working of the Railway.
  7. The Federation should refrain from encouraging any divisive tactics based on any distinction of caste, creed, category, regions or railways. The overall interest of all categories of non-gazetted employees (Group ‘C’ and erstwhile Group ‘D’) of Railways should be kept uppermost.
  8. The recognition may be withdrawn or suspended if there is violation of any of the clauses mentioned above.

4. Please acknowledge receipt and return a copy of the recognition letter duly signed as a token of acceptance of conditions.

(Renu Sharma)
Principal Executive Director(IR)
Railway Board

Copy to:
l. The General Managers, All Zonal Railway and Production Units.
2. All the Officers and Branches in Railway Board office.


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