Ati Vishisht Rail Seva Puraskar (AVRSP) -2025 (For Railways/PUs & Other Units) – Calling of e-self nominations through HRMS Award Module: Railway Board Order dated 07.01.2025
(रेलवे बोर्ड) (RAILWAY BOARD)
Dated:- 07.01.2025
General Managers,
All Indian Railways/PUs
CAO/PLW, Patiala, CAO/WPO, Patna & CAO/RWP, Bela
Sub: Calling of e-self nominations through HRMS Award Module for Ati Vishisht Rail Seva Puraskar (AVRSP) -2025 (For Railways/PUs & Other Units)
Every year, Railway Week is celebrated from 10th to 16th April. During the Central Function. Awards are presented by Hon’ble Minister of Railways to selected officers staff for their exemplary, outstanding and meritorious performance.
2. The entire award eco-system conferred by Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) was revised and the revised norms were circulated to All Indian Railways/PUs/Other Units vide Board’s Letter No. 2023/O&M/12/4 dated 11.04.2023. On the basis of revised norms. e-self nominations are invited for Ati Vishisht Rail Seva Puraskar (AVRSP) — 2025 at Ministry of Railways level through HRMS Award module from eligible Railway Officers and Staff. The salient features for AVRSP-2025 are as under:
a) Name of Award: ‘Ati Vishisht Rail Seva Puraskar-2025′ ‘अति विशिष्ट रेल सेवा पुरस्कार-2025’
b) Number of awardees restricted to maximum 100 numbers.
c) No Cash component except in posthumous cases, which would be ₹50,000 – per case.
d) Silver Medal & Merit Certificate will be presented to the awardees.
e) Zone/PU-wise quota has been worked out based on man-on-roll. Accordingly, quota of nominations for अति विशिष्ट रेल सेवा पुरस्कार to be forwarded to Board’s Office by various Zonal/PUs/Other Units shall be as under:
Rlys | Quota | Rlys | Quota | Rlys | Quota | Rlys | Quota | Rlys | Quota |
CR | 24 | NER | 12 | SER | 20 | CLW | 2 | RCF | 2 |
ER | 26 | NFR | 14 | SECR | 12 | BLW | 2 | MCF | 1 |
ECR | 21 | NFR(C) | 1 | SWR | 9 | PLW | 1 | CORE | 1 |
ECoR | 12 | NWR | 12 | WR | 23 | RWP | 1 | RDSO | 1 |
NR | 33 | SR | 20 | WCR | 14 | RWF | 1 | NAIR | 1 |
NCR | 16 | SCR | 20 | METRO | 1 | ICF | 2 | WPO | 1 |
3, Accordingly, e-self nominations of Officers/Staff of ZRs/PUs/Other Units may be forwarded through HRMS Award Module to Railway Board in format as per Annexure-II with the approval of GM concerned (as per the railway-wise quota mentioned above). The guidelines for sending e-self nomination through HRMS Award Module for Ati Vishisht Rail Seva Puraskar (AVRSP), 2025 are attached as Annexure-I. Details regarding the schedule, venue, and other specifics of the presentation ceremony will be communicated separately.
4. The receipt of this letter may be acknowledged through E-mail and Name, Designation, Telephone (P&T and CUG) and E-mail ID of coordinating officer of the Railway for the अति विशिष्ट रेल सेवा पुरस्कार be intimated to US/O&M, Railway Board at neenakandpal.rb[at]
5. Last date for submitting e-self nomination by employees is 31.01.2025 and Last date for forwarding of e-self nominations to Railway Board by Zonal/PU level committee is 28.02.2025.
6. This notification for Ati Vishisht Rail Seva Puraskar (AVRSP)-2025 may be circulated to all offices under each ZRs/PUs/Other Units for wide publicity to ensure that the information reaches all railway employees, including those in remote areas.
7. HRMS Award Module may be accessed through the internet link (
(Aruna Nayar)
Secretary/Railway Board
Tele No.:011-23385227
I am Rajeev Prakash Srivastava I sa hrms very good App my contacts No 7275048794