Maintenance of Roster Register for persons with disabilities in direct recruitment w.e.f. 01.01.1996 by Zonal Railways: Railway Board Order dated 10.10.2024
NO. E(NG)II/2024/RC-2/5
New Delhi, Dated : 10.10.2024
The General Manager (P),
AH Zonal Railways/PUs.
Sub: Maintenance of Roster Register for persons with disabilities in direct recruitment w.e.f. 01.01.1996 by Zonal Railways.
Ref : (i) Letters dated 01.08.2024 and 24.06.2024 from Shri Mukesh Gupta, General Secretary, Disabled Employees Association of Railway regarding non-maintainance of Roster Register for persons with disabilities in direct recruitment w.e.f. 01.01.1996 by various Zonal Railways.
(ii) Board’s letters no. E(NG)II/2017/RC-2/1 Policy dated 28.06.2017 and 16.02.2018.
(iii) Board’s letters No. E(NG)II/2021/RC-2/5 dated 03.11.2021.
Please refer to Board’s letters cited under reference no. (ii) above vide which Railways had been instructed to prepare a separate vacancy based 100 point reservation roster register for determining/effecting reservation for PwBD candidates. Further, vide letter under reference no. (iii) the same was reiterated and all Zonal Railways/PUs were advised to provide a copy of roster register maintained by them. But reply in this respect has been received from only few Railways/PUs. It may be appreciated that nan-maintenance of roster register can potentially lead to inaccurate vacancy calculation and further legal complications. Therefore, all Zonal Railways/PUs are advised to maintain the roster register for PWBDs w.e.f. 01.01.1996 as mandated by statutory provisions and also provide a copy of the same to Board. In light of upcoming recruitment exams, the matter may be treated as MOST URGENT.
DA: As above
(U.K. Tiwari)
Director Estt.(N)
Railway Board