Computer Based Tests (CBTs) of Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) – Duties & Responsibilities of Railway’s Regional Coordinator, Additional Regional Coordinator, Regional Officer, Centre Coordinator, Group ‘C’ Staff, Control room Staff and Invigilators of Exam Conducting Agency (ECA) officers/officials: Railway Board Order RRCB No. 02/2024 dated 21.10.2024
RRCB No. 02/2024
रेलवे बोर्ड/RAILWAY BOARD
No. 2015/E(RRB)/26/21 Pt. 1
New Delhi, dated: 21.10.2024
The General Manager,
All Zonal Railways/Production Units
Sub: Duties & Responsibilities of Railway’s Regional Coordinator, Additional Regional Coordinator, Regional Officer, Centre Coordinator, Group ‘C’ Staff, Control room Staff and Invigilators of Exam Conducting Agency (ECA).
A copy of each of Public Examination (Prevention of Unfair Means) Act, 2024 and Public Examination (Prevention of Unfair Means) Rules 2024 are enclosed at Annexure- IX & X. In supersession of instructions issued vide letter of even number dated 31.12.2021 (RRCB No. 05/2021), following instructions are being issued in regard to deputing Regional Coordinator, Additional Regional Coordinator, Regional Officer (earlier Town in Charge), Centre Coordinator (earlier Observer), Group C Staff to Examination Centers and deputing officials to man the Control Rooms for smooth conduct of Computer Based Tests (CBTs) of Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) as well as bringing out the role and responsibilities of the above officers/officials are as under:
(a) Regional Coordinator: ADRM (in case of multiple ADRMs in Division, ADRM concerned looking after personnel department) shall be the Regional Coordinator. He shall coordinate between PCPO and Divisional officers/officials for nomination of Regional Officer, Centre Coordinator and will ensure nomination of assisting officials i.e. Railway Supervisor and RPF staff promptly. He shall ensure smooth and hassle free conduction of exam. In this regard he will maintain close liaison with Chairpersons RRB also.
(b) Additional Regional Coordinator: Sr. DPO of the division will be the Additional Regional coordinator. He will assist Regional Coordinator for conduct of exam. He will nominate Centre Coordinator, Railway Supervisor in consultation with Regional Coordinator. He will nominate RPF staff in consultation with Sr. DSC of the division. He shall ensure that concerned officials reach to respective examination venue in time. He will discharge his duties in close coordination with Regional Coordinator and maintain close liaison with RRB officials during RRB Exam. Role and duty list of Additional Regional Coordinator is placed at Annexure I.
(c) Regional Officer: A Sr. Scale or above Grade Officer to be nominated by PCPO for each city/town. In case the number of examination centers in town is too many more than one Regional Officer may be nominated in consultation with Chairperson RRB. Regional Officer will play the role of “Regional Officer” as defined under Rule 2 (e) of Public Examination (Prevention of Unfair Means) Rules, 2024. The detailed role and duties of Regional Officer is placed at Annexure- II.
(d) Centre Coordinator: Shall be of the rank of ‘Senior Scale/Junior Scale’. In case of extreme exigency of officers duly approved by Regional coordinator, Sr. Supervisors may be nominated as Centre Coordinator. They will be responsible for the activities in that Examination Centre. In case, at particular exam venue if the numbers of Computer Labs are more than four or exam centre is multistoried having-labs at different floors, one additional Centre Coordinator may be deputed. Centre Coordinator shall be nominated preferably ten days in advance of the exam phase or as per request of Chairperson RRB to get familiarize with the exam process and with their presence during mock test at exam venue. Their Role and duties are placed at Annexure-III. Centre Coordinator will also play the role of “Centre Coordinator” as defined under Rule 2 (b) of Public Examination (Prevention of Unfair Means) Rules, 2024.
(e) Group ‘C’ Railway staff nominated for 2 Stage CBTs:
(i) For 1“ Stage CBT, the Centre Coordinator will be assisted with 1 Group ‘C’ staff for less than
250 candidates and in case of exam center having more than 250 candidates additional Group ’C’ staff should be provided proportionately. Actual numbers of Group ‘C’ staff required may be decided by the RRB Chairpersons in consultation with the PCPOs keeping in view the sensitiveness of centers and availability of Railway officials;
(ii) For 2nd Stage CBT, the Centre Coordinator will be assisted with one Group ‘C’ Staff per 40-
80 candidates. Within this scale, actual numbers of Group ‘C’ staff required may be decided by the RRB Chairpersons in consultation with the PCPOs keeping in view the sensitiveness of centers and availability or Railway officials.
(f) Group ’C’ Railway Staff nominated for Single Stage CBT:-
The Centre Coordinator will be assisted with 1 Group ‘C’ staff per 100 candidates. Actual numbers of Group ‘C’ staff required may be decided by the RRB Chairpersons in consultation with the PCPOs keeping in view the sensitiveness of centers and availability of Railway officials.
Railway Group ‘C’ staff nominated at the venue shall assist the Centre Coordinator in discharging the above mentioned duties and any other duties that may be assigned by the Centre Coordinator and ensure smooth and fair conduct of the Exam. Their role and duties are placed at Annexure-IV.
The Centre Coordinator /Group ’C’ Staff assisting the Centre Coordinator should not be allowed to continue at one Exam centre for more than 5 days. They should be replaced by another Railway Centre Coordinator/Group C’ Staff assisting the Centre Coordinator, as the case may be.
(g) One Group ‘C’ Railway Staff and one Senior Group C RPF Staff for Server and Control Room
In addition to Group ’C’ staff nominated for exam centre as given above, one Senior Group ‘C’ competent Railway staff preferably from S & T or Electrical department or B. Tech in Computer
Science/IT/Electrical/Electronics (Level 5 or higher) will be available in Server Room. He will be vigilant and report of any unusual activity (database of such officials to be maintained by Railways). One senior RPF staff shall be exclusively nominated for Server and Control Room having CCTV feed of all labs of that particular exam center. The RPF Staff assigned (by Railway Centre Coordinator of the centre) will remain alert for any unusual and will remain present in uniform. The officials will monitor the activities of all labs as well as keep vigil on the activities of Venue Head and IT manager. They will ensure only the nominated and authorized person should enter in Server room with restricted communication. If they notice anything unusual in Server room they will immediately bring this to notice of the Railway Centre Coordinator who in turn will ensure and satisfy himself that nothing unusual is happening in exam at/from the respective centre. Their role and duties are placed at Annexure-VI & VII.
(h) RPF Staff:
Three RPF staff should be deputed per centre in which one senior most RPF stall will be assigned for Server room duty as mentioned in Para (g) above. Duties of remaining two staff in which preferably one male and one female are placed at Annexure-V.
(i) Invigilators: The invigilation is provided by the ECA. There shall be one (1) invigilator per 25-30 candidates. These Invigilators shall assist the Group ‘C’ Staff and the Centre Coordinator from the Railways for smooth conduct of Computer Based Test (CBT) in that particular exam centre. The list of Invigilators along with self- attested copy of their ID proof should be available with Railway Centre Coordinator and the ECA Centre Head. Invigilators should also be rotated across centers randomly and should not be continued at one center.
(j) Formation and Broad role of Control room will be as uader:-
- Formation:
- Control Room at Division: Divisional Control Room will be consisted of Regional Coordinator (ADRM), Additional Regional Coordinator (Sr. DPO), Sr. DSC, One Jr. Scale officer preferably of Personnel Branch (To be decided by Additional Regional Coordinator in consultation with Regional Coordinator), two Group ‘C’ staff as decided by Additional Regional Coordinator, one staff of level One. Control room at division will work in close coordination of Regional Coordinator and Additional Regional Coordinator. Control room official will be in close contact with Railway officials of all test centers of their jurisdiction. In need they may visit to test centers also. Regional Coordinator, Additional Regional Coordinator and Sr. DSC should make some surprise checks of test centers during exam to ensure conduction of smooth, hassle free arid error free exam.
- Control Room at Zonal HQ: Zonal control room will be consisted of Zonal Coordinator (CPO Admin.), Additional Zonal Coordinator (Chairperson/RRC), Dy. CSC, One Jr. Scale officer preferably of Personnel Branch {as decided by Zonal Coordinator i.e. CPO Admin.), One Group ’C’ staff as decided by Additional Zonal Coordinator, One staff of level One. Control room at Zonal office will work in close coordination with Divisional Control Room. Control Room officials will be in close contact with Divisional railway officials of divisional control room under their jurisdiction and maintain close liaison with Chairperson RRB. Zonal Coordinator, Additional Zonal Coordinator and Dy. CSC should make some surprise checks of test centers during exam to ensure conduction of smooth, hassle free and error free exam.
- The role of the Control Room will be as under:
- Monitoring the RRB Computer Based Test (CBT) in each of the cities and issuing suitable directions to the authorities concerned.
- Ensuring that the CBT is conducted in a fair and transparent manner.
- Incidents or exceptional situations arisen during the day should be solved and noted properly to be placed on record for future references.
- Deployment of Staff to the exam centers and replacements, if any.
- Ensuring deployment of RPF in each centre, interaction with State Police, mob management, Dy. CSC & Sr. DSC concerned should also ensure all these aspects etc.
All Centre Coordinator and Group ’C’ officials nominated for RRBs CBT should give Undertaking (Annexure VIII) that they have read and understood all the instructions related to conduct of CBT and ensure compliance of these instructions and bring it to notice of Railways any violation done by ECA.
The roles and responsibilities mentioned in this letter are general in nature. For any special requirement protocol document of Exam may be referred.
For payment of Honorarium, the officers/officials in the Control Room are governed by Board’s letter No. E(G)2010/HO1-38 dated 19.11.2018 (RBE.No.174/2018).
In case of exigency, relaxation in respect of requirement of officers/staffs as specified in these instructions may be given by Chairperson RRB in consultation with PCPOs duly recording reasons for the same.
DA: As above
(Vidya Dhar Sharma)
Director Estt.(RRB)
Railway Board
Copy to: Chairpersons,
All Railway Recruitment Boards for N.A. and information please.