Bank Account – Salary Package Scheme: Railway Board Order RBA No. 29/2024 dated 18.10.2024
भारत सरकार Government of India
रेल मंत्रालय Ministry of Railways
रेलवे बोर्ड (Railway Board)
RBA No.29/2024
No.2024/ACII/9/2/e 3465654
New Delhi, Dated : 18.10.2024
General Managers
All Zonal Railways /PUs .
Sub: Bank Account – Salary Package Scheme reg.
In order to provide maximum benefits to employees as permissible under salary accounts package of various banks, Zonal Railways/PUs may assist the banks through setting up of camps, dissemination of information on various salary packages, training on personal finances etc. Further, Zonal Railways must ensure that the information must be disseminated only after taking inputs from as many banks as possible to provide wider choice and prevent frequent changes to salary account.
However, it may be noted that instructions issued vide Board’s letter no. 2006/ACII/9/1/Pt.II dated 04.05.2012 (RBA No.11/2012) and letter no. 2006/ACII/17/1 dated 14.03.2006 (RBA No.09/2006) remains unchanged. Employees are free to open their account with any bank and Railway administration does not provide any preference for any particular bank with regard to opening of salary accounts. Further, Railway Administration shall neither be a guarantor for any loan nor undertake deduction from salary towards any loan scheme offered by Bank to the employees under the salary package scheme.
Railway should neither make any commitment to the bank nor be a party to any commitment extended by the bank to the employees. This aspect in particular may be widely disseminated amongst employees and the banks.
Suitable arrangements may please be made in the matter.
(Rajat Agarwal)
Joint Director/Finance(CCA)
Railway Board