Promotions to Group ‘B’ posts in Indian Railways through CBT in all departments – One time dispensation to include 100% of STS and JTS / Group ‘A’ – vacancies for 2025 & 2026


Promotions to Group ‘B’ posts in Indian Railways through CBT in all departments – One time dispensation to include 100% of STS and JTS / Group ‘A’ – vacancies for 2025 & 2026

Promotions to Group ‘B’ posts in Indian Railways through Centralized Computer Based Test (CBT) in all departments having Organized Services – One time dispensation to the Railways to include upto 100% of STS and JTS / Group ‘A’ – vacancies in assessment of Group ‘B’ vacancies for the vacancy cycle 01.01.2025 to 31.12.2026: Railway Board Order dated 27.09.2024


No. E(GP)2024/2/28

New Delhi, dated: 27.09.2024

The General Managers,
All Indian Railways & Production Units.
(Kind Attn.: PCPO / PFA/ Dy. CPO (G) / Dy. CAO (G))

Sub.: Promotions to Group ‘B’ posts in Indian Railways through Centralized Computer Based Test (CBT) in all departments having Organized Services.

The results of the Centralized CBT conducted on 04.08.2024 under 30% LDCE (Special Drive) has since been declared by NAIR for all the departments {except ACM and AEE) on 06.09.2024. Accordingly, it is advised that the panels of all the posts (excluding ACM and AEE) on the basis of the said examination may be finalized latest by 04.10.2024.

2. Besides, the 70% Selection and 30% Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) for filling up Group ‘B’ vacancies for the vacancy cycle 01.01.2025 to 31.12.2026 through Centralized CBT is planned shortly. As such, the Railways are advised to initiate the preparations at their end. Model calendar for the same shall be issued separately.

2.1 Herein, it is advised that in terms of Para 202.2 of Indian Railways Establishment Manual Vol. 1, the vacancies due to arise in the next 6 months (i.e., upto 30.06.2027) should also be included to the assessment made for the aforesaid vacancy cycle to cater to unforeseen contingencies and the panel should be formed for the total number of vacancies.

3. Further, considering the shortage of officers on Railways, Board has decided to grant one-time dispensation to the Railways to include upto 100% of STS and JTS / Group ‘A’ – vacancies in assessment of Group ‘B’ vacancies for the aforesaid vacancy cycle, if considered crucial to the working of the system by the General Manager. These vacancies may be distributed between both 70% Selection and subsequent 30% LDCE.

(Arti Singh Lal)
Dy. Director-II/ Estt. (GP)
Railway Board
Ph. No. 23047250
Email ID — arti.singh41[at]

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