Relaxation of norms for opening up of new CGHS wellness centres and opening of new CGHS wellness centres: Confederation writes to MoH&FW


Relaxation of norms for opening up of new CGHS wellness centres and opening of new CGHS wellness centres: Confederation writes to MoH&FW

Relaxation of norms for opening up of new CGHS wellness centres and opening of new CGHS wellness centres: Confederation writes to the Secretary, H&FW


North Avenue New Delhi-11008

Ref: Confd. CGHS/2024

Dated – 23.09.2024

The Secretary,
Health and Family Welfare,
Government of India: Email address secyhfw[at]

Sub: Relaxation of norms for opening up of new CGHS wellness centres and opening of new CGHS wellness centres–Reg.

Respected Sir

The Confederation of Central Government Employees and Worker’s would like to bring to your kind notice the following facts on the subject cited above for active considerations.

That the CGHS is serving about 16.3 lakhs cards with 7.1 lakhs serving employees and 9.2 lakhs pensioners with 46 lakhs beneficiaries, there is enough scope for it to expand its services which is quite essential for the central government employees and pensioners, there is an absolute need to expand its services to 200 cities across the pan India including the north east states.

In this regard we are submitting the following for your kind consideration

The existing norms are as follows:

As per the criteria fixed for setting up a Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) dispensary in a particular area are as under.

(i) In an existing CGHS City: – For opening of a new Allopathic CGHS dispensary, there has to be a minimum of 2000 Card holders (serving employees of Central Government and Central Civil pensioners)

(ii) Extension of CGHS to a new City: – For extension of CGHS to a new city, there has to be a minimum of 6,000 Card holder.

There is a need for opening of CGHS wellness centres in many cities and at district places. we are of the opinion that more CGHS wellness centres across Pan India especially in North East, remote and rural places and also the existing metro cites and state capitals apart from New Delhi, more CGHS wellness centres are required to be opened. The CGHS should spread to more than 200 cities in the country by relaxing the CGHS norms of minimum of 6000 cards for opening of new wellness centre.

The present practice is that no Doctors or supporting staff are sanctioned for extension counters which is causing shortage of doctors and staff on other wellness centres. In case of CGHS extension counters Doctors and staff to be sanctioned to resolve the issue and in cites having more than 4000 cards should also get a wellness centre.

At present in existing cites also the CGHS is asking for 6000 cards criteria in spite of its own orders that of 2000 cards required for opening of new wellness centres in existing cites , the present traffic conditions in metro cities and major cities like Hyderabad and Bengaluru are horrible for travelling for 8 kms it takes more than 1 hour, more over the cites have expanded more than 40 kms range and hence there is need for having more wellness centres in their cites.

The One Hundred Fifty-Fifth Report on Functioning of Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) has suggested the following,

Para number 1.4.4 The Committee believes that there is a need to expand the coverage network of CGHS in existing and new cities, for which separate allocation needs to be made. These special funds may be utilised to open new wellness centres, polyclinics, and separate CGHS wings in government hospitals. The Committee feels that such a step will enable the Ministry to set a time-bound date and targets to complete the opening of new CGHS facilities.

Para number 2.2.1 The Ministry informed that as of August 2023, the CGHS had a presence in 80 cities with 340 CGHS Allopathic wellness centres. The Committee has noted that out of these 340 allopathic wellness centres, 26% are concentrated in the Delhi NCR region. Further, only six states (excluding the Delhi NCR region) have more than 10 CGHS centres. This highlights that the distribution and accessibility of CGHS services across different regions of the country are not equitable and need to be addressed. The Committee noted that the state of Arunachal Pradesh and the UTs of Ladakh, A & N islands and Lakshadweep have no CGHS wellness centre.

Para number 2.2.2 The Committee is aware that there are many cities and towns where there are a sizeable number of Central Government employees, pensioners, and their dependents, but no CGHS wellness centre exists there. As a result, the beneficiaries, particularly the retired beneficiaries, are required to travel long distances to get medical treatments, causing inconvenience to them. The Committee opines that this scenario, apart from being financially draining on the beneficiaries, also causes various other hardships to the beneficiaries.

In light of above submission, the Confederation of Central Government Employees and Worker’s, request to your good self to kindly arrange to take necessary steps to increase the CGHS network by adding more than another 200 CGHS wellness centres in the existing cites and new cites.

With Regards,

Yours faithfully,

(S B Yadav)
Secretary General

Copy to:
1) Additional Deputy Director General (ADDG) ,CGHS (HQ) Email: ad.cghs_hq[at]
2) Dr Sathish Y.H. The Director CGHS HQ Email Address: Director – cghs[at]

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