Uploading of Investigation Report by CVOs on CMS Portal: CVC Circular No. 07/06/24 dated 28.06.2024


Uploading of Investigation Report by CVOs on CMS Portal: CVC Circular No. 07/06/24 dated 28.06.2024

Uploading of Investigation Report by CVOs on CMS Portal in respect of complaints sent by the Commission for Investigation & Report: CVC Circular No. 07/06/24 dated 28.06.2024

Key Points:

  1. Purpose: To streamline the submission of investigation reports by CVOs to the Central Vigilance Commission via the CMS Portal.
  2. Reference: Cites a previous circular dated 03.11.2022 regarding complaint management.
  3. Procedure:
    • Complaints are processed on the CMS Portal and forwarded to CVOs for investigation.
    • Investigation reports, along with annexures, are typically sent in physical form.
  4. New Requirement:
    • In addition to physical submission, a PDF version of the signed investigation report (without annexures) must be uploaded on the CMS Portal.
    • CVOs should use the โ€˜DI Decision / I&R / FRโ€™ option under โ€˜Complaint Viewโ€™ on the CMS Portal.


Satarkta Bhawan, G.P.O. Complex,
Block A, INA, New Delhi-10023

No. 021/VGL/051
Dated 28.06.2024

Circular No. 07/06/24

Subject: Uploading of Investigation Report by CVOs on CMS Portal in respect of complaints sent by the Commission for Investigation & Report-reg.

Ref:- (i) Commissionโ€™s Circular No. 24/11/22 dated 03.11.2022

The complaints received in Central Vigilance Commission from various sources are being processed on the Complaint Management System (CMS) Portal of the Commission and are being forwarded to the CVO concerned for investigation and submitting a report to the Commission through the portal, if considered necessary.

2. As per extant guidelines, an investigation report along with all annexures / documents is to be forwarded to the Commission for obtaining its advice in the matter. Presently, such reports and annexures are being forwarded by the CVOs concerned in physical form.

3. The Commission has desired that a PDF version of the Investigation Report, duly signed by the CVO, may also be uploaded on the CMS Portal, in addition to sending the investigation report with annexures and other relevant documents in physical mode. The CVOs may upload the PDF version of the investigation report (without annexure) by logging into CMS Portal i.e. https://portal.cvc.gov.in and thereafter using the option โ€˜DI Decision / I&R /FRโ€™ under โ€˜Complaint Viewโ€™.

4. This may be noted for compliance with immediate effect.

(Rajiv Verma)

(i) All CVOs of Ministries/Departments of Gol/CPSUs/Public Sector Banks/Public Sector Insurance Companies/Autonomous Bodies etc.
(ii) Website of CVC

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