Setting up of NPS oversight mechanism online portal with URL in pursuance to Department of Expenditure OM dated 02.07.2019: DoP&PW OM dated 04.06.2024
No.- 57/02/2021-P&PW(B)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Pension and Pensionersโ Welfare
Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market,
New Delhi, Dated: 04.06.2024
Office Memorandum
Subject: Setting up of NPS oversight mechanism online portal in pursuance to Department of Expenditure OM dated 02.07.2019- reg.
Undersigned is directed to refer to the meeting held on 21.02.2024 and 17.05.2024 to review the implementation of instructions of Department of Expenditure issued vide their OM No. 1(24)/EV/ 2016, dated 02.07.2019 regarding sctting up of NPS oversight mechanism in cach Ministry/Department to ensure proper monitoring of NPS contributions and ensuring that the same arc regularly getting credited into the individual accounts of the employees covered under the National Pension System.
2. It has also been directed in the aforesaid instructions that a status report may be sent to the Department of Pension and Pensionersโ Welfare every six months intimating the result of the monitoring carried out through the above oversight mechanism. Accordingly, a proforma was also circulated by this Department vide D.O. letter dated 07.06.2021 for submission of six monthly reports.
3, In view of the decision taken during the review meeting, in order to facilitate the submission of six monthly reports and its proper monitoring, Department of Pension and Pensionersโ Welfare has developed a portal with URL This portal is now ready for use.
4. Ministries/Departments are to furnish details of Nodal officers who would be handling the portal viz. Name, Mobile no., Email id and Designation so that the login credentials may be sent to them. Further, it is informed that in case of transfer/retirement of the Nodal officer, the details of new Nodal officer may be sent to the Department promptly for necessary updation.
5. An user manual for handling the portal has been prepared wherein the mode of log in the portal and subsequent uploading of the report have been explained. Hence, User manual is also enclosed.
6. All Ministries/Departments are to submit their six monthly reports from the period October, 2023 to March, 2024 through the said portal.
(Dhrubajyoti Sengupta)
Joint Secretary to the Government of India
Encl. as above.
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