Sensitive posts of ITS Group ‘A’ and TES Group ‘B’ in DoT


Sensitive posts of ITS Group ‘A’ and TES Group ‘B’ in DoT

Sensitive posts of ITS Group ‘A’ and TES Group ‘B’ in DoT: Department of Telecommunications O.M. dated 20.05.2024

No. Misc/2019-SensitivePosts/Estt.
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Telecommunications
(Establishment wing)

Dated the 20 May, 2024


Subject: Sensitive posts of ITS Group ‘A’ and TES Group ‘B’ in DoT – reg.

In supersession to DoT OM of even number dated 11.04.2022 and 11.09.2022 on this subject, the following posts of ITS Group ‘A’ /TES Group ‘B’ under the hierarchy of the following Divisions in respective DoT units have been identified as sensitive posts:

S.No. Unit Divisions
1. DoT HQ
  1. Access Services (AS)
  2. Carrier Services (CS)
  3. Data Services (DS)
  4. Satellite
  5. Personnel (Pers)
  6. Vigilance
  7. Security Divisions [SPPI, SA]
  8. Al & DIU [only DDG & Director]
  9. International Relations (IR) [Only DDG]
  10. Standards, R&D Innovation (SRI)  [Only DDG]
  11. Investment Promotions (IP) [Only DDG]
  12. Information Technology (IT) [Only Director concerned with procurement related works]
2. TEC
  1. Control Lab (CL)
  2. Telecom Certification (TC)
  3. Access Lab (AL)
  4. Conformity Assessment (CA)
  5. Convergence & Broadcasting (C&B)
  6. Admin [Only Director concerned with procurement related work]
3. USOF DDG (SP), DDG (Mobile), Director (Technical – 1), Director (Mobile -1), Director (Mobile-2) & Director (Mobile-3)
4. NTIPRIT Admin & Estt. [Only Director concerned with procurement related works]
5. DGT HQ, Admin & HR Division
[Only Director concerned with procurement related works]
6. LSA Field Units
  1. Service Compliance
  2. Admin [Only Director concerned with procurement related work]
  3. Security iv. State Coordination Unit [except Rural & Technology Vertical]
  1. Security Certification & Headquarters [only DDG]
  2. Security Lab Recognition (SLR) [Only DDG and Director]

2, This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.

ADG (Estt. & Coord.)
Tel: 2303-6500


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