Revised Rates of various allowances upon Dearness Allowance being raised by 50%: Railway Board Order


Revised Rates of various allowances upon Dearness Allowance being raised by 50%: Railway Board Order

Revised Rates of various allowances upon Dearness Allowance being raised by 50%: Railway Board Order dated 04.06.2024


File No. PC-VII/2024/I/7/5/5

New Delhi, date: 04.06.2024

The General Manager/CAOs(R),
All India Railways & Production Units, .
(As per mailing list) :

Sub: โ€“ Revised Rates of various allowances upon Dearness Allowance being raised by 50%

Ref: Boardโ€™s letter bearing RBE No. 26/2024 dated 15.03.2024

Vide Boardโ€™s letter under reference, the rates of Dearness Allowance were raised to 50%. Consequently, multiple references have been received from the Staff Federations regarding revision in the rates of various allowances whose rates were slated to be revised upon DA reaching 50%.

2. In view of the same, a list of such allowances whose rates shall be revised with DA reaching 50%, along with the revised rates is enclosed at Annexure-I.

3. The revised rates of these allowances shall be applicable with effect from 1st January, 2024.

4. Clarifications, in any, will be handled by the concerned Dtes handling with such allowances.

5. This issues with the concurrence of the concerned Directorates of Railway Board.

Encl: As above.

(Sundeep Pal)
Executive Director, Pay Commission
Railway Board
e-mail: sundeep.p[at]
Ph. No: 011-47845117




S.No. Allowance RBE No. Directorate Rate when DA reaches 50%
(Rs. Per month)
1 Special Train Controllersโ€™ Allowance 86/2017 Pay Commission Rs. 6250
2 Risk and Hardship Allowance for Track Maintainers (R3H2) 87/2017 Pay Commission
Pay Level Allowances
L-9 & above 4250
L-8 & below 3375
3 Breakdown Allowance 106/2017 Pay Commission
Category Pay Level Amount/ month
Helper Gr.II Helper Gr.I/ other staff Gr. D Staff L-1 338
Technician Gr. III L-2 506
Technician Gr.II L-4 675
Technician Gr.I L-5
Supervisory (Erstwhile Mistry) L-5
Sr. Technician/JE and staff in higher grades L-6 & above 844
4 National Holiday Allowance 108/2017 Pay Commission
Level in Pay Matrix Rate of allowance Rs.
1&2 480
3 to 5 596
6 to 8 (limited to Non-Gaz. staff) 788
5 Special LC Gate Allowance to Track Maintainer posted as Gatemen (R3H3) 110/2017 Pay Commission
Pay Level Allowances
L-9 & above 1500
L-8 & below 1250
6 Health and Malaria Allowance (R3H3) 159/2017 Pay Commission
Pay Level Allowances
L-9 & above 1500
L-8 & below 1250
7 Nursing Allowance 166/2017 Pay Commission Rs. 9000
8 Dress Allowance 141/2017 Pay Commission
Category Dress All. (per annum)
Officers of RPF RPSF 25000
PBOR of RPF, Stn. Masters 12500
Other staff 6250
Nurses 2250 pm
9 Hospital Patient Care

Allowance & Patient

Care Allowance


15/2018 Pay Commission
Pay Level Allowances
L-9 & above 6625
L-8 & below 5125
10 House Rent Allowance 71/2017 Pay Commission
City Classification HRA as % of Basic Pay
X 30%
Y 20%
Z 10%
11 Post Graduate Allowance 75/2018 Pay Commission
Category PG Allowance
(per month)
Railway Doctors having PG qualification 2813
General duty doctors not possessing PG Qualification or unrecognized PG Qualification 1688
12 Railway Accounts Examination Allowance 02/2019 Pay Commission
Category Rates
(Rs. p.m.)
Clerks Gr. II (Accounts Clerk)/ Typist on passing App-II Exam
Sr. Accounts Assistant/ Accounts Assistant Stock Verifier/ Typist/ Stenographer on passing App-Ill 24 Exam 1st year 450
2nd year 788
13 Annual Allowance 05/2019 Pay Commission
Category PG Allowance
(per month)
Railway Doctors having PG qualification 2813
General duty doctors not possessing PG Qualification or unrecognized PG Qualification 1688
14 Project Allowance 156/2017 E(G)
Pay Level Allowances
L-9 & above 4250
L-8 & below 3375
15 Compensatory (Construction/Survey) Allowance 156/2017 E(G)
Pay Level Allowances
L-9 & above 4250
L-8 & below 3375
16 Children Education Allowance* 147/2017 E(W) CEA = Rs. 2813

Hostel Subsidy = 8438

17 Special allowance for childcare for women with disabilities 190/2017 E(W) Rs. 3750



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