Grant of notional increment (as due on 1st July/1st January) for the pensionary benefits – Fake Order/ Instructions – Clarification by Railway Board


Grant of notional increment (as due on 1st July/1st January) for the pensionary benefits – Fake Order/ Instructions – Clarification by Railway Board

Grant of notional increment (as due on 1st July/1st January) for the pensionary benefits to those employees who had retired on 30th of June before drawing the same — Fake Order/ Instructions – Clarification dated 30.05.2024


No PC-VE 2023, Misc /03-Part(2)

New Delhi, dated: 30.05.2024

The Gencral Managers/ Principal Financial Advisors,
All Zonal Railways & Production Units
(as per the standard mailing list)

Sub: Grant of notional increment (as due on 1st July/1st January) for the pensionary benefits to those employees who had retired on 30th of June before drawing the same — Fake Order/ Instructions – Clarification reg.

It has come to the notice of this Ministry that an email from the id “abhishekgandha1558[at]” under the name of Shri Jaya Kumar G, Dy. Director Pay Commission-VII & HRMS/ Railway Board regarding grant of benefit of notional increment to the employees with 15% salary increment is being circulated amongst all Zonal Railways PU’s.

2. It is clarified that the aforesaid email is fake and that no such instructions have been issued by Ministry of Railwys (Railway Board) under the signature of any official of Pay Commission Dte. Accordingly, all Zonal Railways/PUs are hereby advised not to take cognizance of the instructions contained therein and the same shall invariably be ignored outrightly.

Signed by Sandeep Pal
Date: 30-05-2024 14:13:57
(Sandeep Pal)
Executive Director, Pay Commission
Railway Board
Tel. No. 011-47845117
Email add: sundeep.p[at]
4th floor, Room No. 7


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  • V Satya Venkatarao 5 months ago

    A circular dated 18/01/2024 issued by the office of the comptroller and Auditor General of India unequivocally states that the increment is to be given irrespective of whether the person claiming the increment is a party to the proceedings or not  in  civil appeal no 2471/2023 dated11/04/2023. Further the said circular states that the increment would be admissible provided the retirement takes place after11/04/23

    It is rather regrettable that Railways  have not taken the said circular into consideration and are still drawing references to 2021 instructions 

    Pl look at the 18/01/2024 and grant increment to the eligible Employees 

    V Satya Venkatarao 
    Advocate and Former Deputy Managing Director SIDBI

  • R.S.Rathore 6 months ago

    Who dared to issue fake orders on notional increment to pensioners retired on 30th June after rendering twelve months service entitled to them for notional increment for pensionary benefits. The Dopt despite of Supreme Court verdicts dated 11.04.2023 & 17.05.3023 have not yet issued any general orders on the subject & unnecessarily delaying the matter causing undue hardships to those who have not gone to the court of law & waiting for Dopt,s final orders in compliance with the Apex Court verdict. This unnecessary delay gives rise further confusion & ambiguity in the matter which already stands settled in law. This is very unfortunate on the part The Central government which still do not want to give justice & fair play in the matter.

  • Dinesh Patel 6 months ago

    The Delhi CAT already passed notional increment in favour of pensioner who retired on 30th jun and no need to file case individual in this case.Raikway board/DoPT comes under Delhi CAT jurisdiction. Hence my request to follow the instruction and issue order in pensioner – With regards