Uniformity in facilities available to women employees of CPSEs in line with Central Govt Women employees: DPE


Uniformity in facilities available to women employees of CPSEs in line with Central Govt Women employees: DPE

Uniformity in facilities available to women employees of CPSEs in line with similar facilities available to women employees of the Central Government

File No. 6(1)2014-DPE (GM)-FTS-1505
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Public Enterprises

Public Enterprises Bhawan Block
No.14, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road
New Delhi, the 29th April, 2024


Subject:- Uniformity in facilities available to women employees of CPSEs in line with similar facilities available to women employees of the Central Government.

Reference is invited to this Departmentโ€™s OM of even number dated the 18th June, 2014 requesting all the administrative Ministries/ Departments to advise the CPSEs under their administrative control to bring some uniformity in their rules in line with similar facilities available to women employees of the Central Government with the approval of the respective boards, which inter alia outlines following:

(a) Maternity Leave up to maximum period of 180 days (0.M. No.13018/ 2/ 2008-Estt.(L) dated 11th September 2008 of DOPT).

(b) Child Care Leave up to maximum period of 2 years i.e.730 days (O.M.N0.13018/2/2008-Estt.(L) dated 11th September 2008 and 29th September 2008 of DOPT)

(c) Child Adoption Leave up to a maximum of 180 days (O.M. NO. 13018/1/2009-EstL(L) dated 22rl1 July 2009 of DOPT).

(d) In addition, for the benefit of the family there is a provision of paternity leave up to a period of 15 days (O.M. NO. 13018/ 2/98-Est-t. (L) dated 16th July 1999 of DOPT), and

(e) Protection as granted vide Sexual Harassment of Women at workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal Act, 2013 dated 9th December, 2013).

2. The Department of Personal and Training in its O.M. No. 11020/01/ 2017- Estt. (L) dated 30.8.2019 (copy enclosed) made the following changes, after amendment of Rule 43 C relating to Child Care Leave (CCL):

(a) CCL may be granted at 100% of the leave salary for the first 365 days and 80% of the leave salary for the next 365 days.

(b) CCL may be extended to single male parents who may include unmarried or widower or divorcee employees.

(c) For single female Government servants, the CCL may be granted for six spells in a calendar year. However, for other eligible government servants, it will continue to be granted for a maximum of three spells of a calendar year.

3. CPSEs formulate their own H.R. rules with the approval of their respective boards, in consultation, if required, with the concerned Ministries/ Departments. To protect the interest of women employees these H.R. rules shall invariably incorporate all statutory provisions. Regarding other welfare measures, all the administrative Ministries/ Departments are requested to advise the CPSEs under their administrative control to bring uniformity in their rules in line with similar facilities available to women employees of the Central Government with approval of the respective boards. In any case, there should be no variation in such measures between different grades of employees within a single CPSE.

4. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.

(Dr. P.K.Sinha)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India

All administrative Ministries/ Departments of the Government of India.

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