Revised syllabus for the Departmental Examinations held in PAOs: Department of Posts

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Revised syllabus for the Departmental Examinations held in PAOs: Department of Posts

Revised syllabus for the Departmental Examinations held in PAOs: Department of Posts OM dated 03.04.2024

No. 3-09/2022/PACE/DE/3211-3235
Government of India
Ministry of Communication
Department of Posts, PA-Wing,
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001

Dated 03.04.2024


Sub: – Revised syllabus for the Departmental Examinations held in PAOs- reg.

Kind reference is invited towards letter no. 3(i)-PACE/242 dated 08.11.1976 & -3-21/90-PACE/1529 dated 31.12.1990. The syllabus for the below mentioned Departmental Examinations held in PAOs have been revised in view of the revised manuals, rules and procedures of the Department.

(i) Departmental Confirmatory Examination for Direct Recruit Junior Accountants (As per Annexure I).
(ii) Departmental Examination for Promotion of Lower Division Clerks to Junior Accountants in PAOs (As per Annexure I).
(iii) Departmental Examination for promotion of Sorters and MTS as Lower Division Clerks in PAOs (As per Annexure II).
(iv) Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion of MTS Qualified (12th class passed) as Lower Division Clerks in PAOs (As per Annexure II).

2. The revised syllabus will come in to force from the examination scheduled for the year 2024 onwards. All the rules/instructions/ guidelines issued in connection with aforesaid examinations as amended from time to time will hold good.

3. The contents of this OM may please be given wide publicity among all concerned.

4. This issues with the approval of competent authority.

Hindi Version will follow

Encl.: As above (Annexure-!I & Annexure-I]).

Director (PA-Admn.)

All Heads of PAOs.

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GM, CEPT Mysore; for uploading the OM on website of the Department.

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