Closure of Railway Printing Presses and Realignment of Ministerial and Non-Ministerial Staff cadres of Stores Department


Closure of Railway Printing Presses and Realignment of Ministerial and Non-Ministerial Staff cadres of Stores Department

Closure of Railway Printing Presses and Realignment of Ministerial and Non-Ministerial Staff cadres of Stores Department โ€“ Minutes of the Joint Separate Meeting held with both the Federations i.e. AIRF and NFIR on 02.04.2024: Railway Board Order 03.05.2024


No. 2023/E(LR)-I/NM 1-4

New Delhi, dated: 03.05.2024

The General Secretary,
4, State Entry Road,
New Delhi -110055.

The General Secretary,
3, Cheimsford Road,
New Delhi-110055.

Dear Sirs,

Sub: Minutes of the Joint Separate Meeting held with both the Federations i.e. AIRF and NFIR on 02.04.2024 regarding (i) Closure of Railway Printing Presses and (ii) Realignment of Ministerial and Non-Ministerial Staff cadres of Stores Department.

Record Note of Discussions held on 02.04.2024 on the above mentioned subject is sent herewith your information and record.

Yours faithfully,

DA: As above.

(Hem Chander)
Joint Director Estt.(IR)
Railway Board

Minutes of the Joint Separate Meeting held with both the Federations i.e. AIRF and NFIR on 02.04.2024 regarding (i) Closure of Railway Printing Presses and (ii) Realignment of Ministerial and Non-Ministerial Staff cadres of Stores Department.

The following officers and representatives of Federation (NFIR) attended the meeting:-

Official Side Federation (AIRF) Federation (NFIR)
  1. Smt. V.G. Bhooma, AM(HR)
  2. Shri P.B. Ninawe, AM(RS)
  3. Shri Sujit Kumar Mishra, PED(IR)
  1. Shri Shiv Gopal Mishra, General Secretary
  2. Shri S.K. Tyagi
  3. Shri L.N. Pathak
  4. Shri Mukesh Galav
  5. Shri Amit Kumar Ghosh
  1. Shri Guman Singh, President
  2. Dr. M. Raghavaiah, General Secretary.
  3. Shri B.C. Sharma,
    Vice President

Item No. 1: 
Sub: Closure of Railway Printing Presses.

AIRF:- The decision of closure of Printing Presses need to be reviewed. In- order to have optimum utilisation, Railway Printing Presses can be given work not only of Railways but also of other Departments of Government of India. These 5 Printing Presses can supply material to entire Indian Railways. Sometimes, private parties are not able to carry out these works. While privatisation is being induced, there is no backup plan for emergencies. We should not be fully dependent on private parties only. Local unions may be consulted on the issue of redeployment of existing staff.

NFIR:- Railway is taking decision to close the Printing Presses in a hurry. While machines/staff are lying idle, the work is being carried out through private parties. Raw material is also not being procured. Even after digitization, there are certain works which require to be undertaken through Printing Press only. We request that the present decision may be reviewed and โ€˜closure should be deferred. Promotions should be first given to existing employees before their redeployment as per their option/choice. Actual work load requirement for continuance of Printing Presses be assessed. The written brief handed over during discussion may also be considered instead of hastily proceeding for closure.

Official Side:- Official side pointed out that the closure of Printing Presses is inevitable. However, in view of the demands raised by Unions, the following was agreed to:-

(i) Interest of existing employees should be protected and their re-deployment be planned as considering their option/choice.
(ii) Promotions should be given to eligible staff against vacant posts in higher grades before redeployment.
(iii) Zonal Railway should complete the exercise of redeployment of staff in consultation with local Unions by 31.12.2024 in view of closure of Printing Presses.
(iv) If any employee wants to be voluntarily redeployed/ transferred earlier, he/she may be allowed to do so, even on out of turn basis, if. required.

Item No. 2:
Sub: Realignment of Ministerial and Non-Ministerial Staff cadres of Stores Department.

Staff Side:- This issue had been settled earlier. We had demanded that those staff who get through in the LDCE for DMS, they may be promoted in the DMS cadre. Those who do not get through may be allowed to join their parent cadre as OS/ Chief OS.

Official Side:- Letter has already been issued to Zonal Railways in March providing for option to staff. Response to this letter is awaited and to be reviewed. The issue will be deliberated thereafter again.


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