Cases of promotions in the pre-revised pay structure between 01.01.2006 and the date of notification of RS (RP) Rules 2008 and the subsequent merger of the pre-revised pay scales of the promotional and the feeder posts in a common Grade -fixation of pay โ Regarding.: Reminder memorandum by IRTSA
Chairman & CEO
Railway Board
Respected Madam,
Sub: Reminder memorandum โ Cases of promotions in the pre-revised pay structure between 01.01.2006 and the date of notification of RS (RP) Rules 2008 and the subsequent merger of the pre-revised pay scales of the promotional and the feeder posts in a common Grade -fixation of pay โ Regarding.
Ref: IRTSA memorandum No. IRTSA/Memo/2023-4, dated 12.10.2023
1) IRTSA would like to request earlier positive decision on denial of financial upgradation under MACPS for those eligible Technical Supervisors, CMT, IT, stores supervisors, etc who received their promotion in merged grades (pre-revised 5th CPC scale) in between 01.01.2006 and 31.08.2008.
2) RBE No. 31/2021 which is applicable for
- promotion happening to posts carrying higher duties and responsibilities but carrying same grade pay
- promotion happened in same Grade Pay Rs.5400 in PB-2 & PB-3 in the pre-revised pay band structure
should not be made applicable universally for all pre-revised feeder and promotional grades, where promotion took place in the pre-revised pay structure between 1.1.2006 and the date of notification of Revised Pay Rules, 2008 and subsequent merger of the pre-revised pay scales of the promotional and the feeder posts in a common Grade.
3) In view of the justification explained in the memorandum cited in reference, It is requested that, cases of promotions in the pre-revised pay structure between 01.01.2006 and the date of notification of RS (RP) Rules 2008 and the subsequent merger of the pre-revised pay scales of the promotional and the feeder posts in a common Grade should be ignored for the purpose of financial upgradation under MACPS.
Thank you in anticipation
General Secretary, IRTSA
Copy for kind information and necessary action
DG (HR) & AM (Staff)
Enclosure: Copy of IRTSA memorandum No. IRTSA/Memo/2023-4, dated 12.10.2023.
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I was retired as supervisor on 31_1_2021 from IAAD Department. Though the DOE was taking care of all other grades and grade pays they r simply evading and ignoring GP4800. senior accountants promoted to the Supervisor post purely on seniority basis simply ignored and deprived of from promotional benefits though it was not in between two pay scales or pay, levels. No option no fixation no pay level fixation. No incremental benefits. Further juniors allowed to attend competitive exam and awarded 5400GP on successful after 4years of service. The supervisors were ignored not given either incremental or any other benefit. Hence I humbly submitting that the supervisors are also discharging duties like other AAOs with higher responsibilities. Hence I am to request that the supervisors should also be given fixation benefits as other AAOs.
Thanking u sir
Yours sincerely
V. Ramanath mob.. 8897896767(whatsapp also