Enhancement of Additional Pension – additional 5% pension after every 5 years: ATR on unresolved 32nd SCOVA Agenda Items.


Enhancement of Additional Pension – additional 5% pension after every 5 years: ATR on unresolved 32nd SCOVA Agenda Items.

Enhancement of Additional Pension – additional 5% pension may be granted after every 5 years: ATR on unresolved 32nd SCOVA Agenda Items.

[DoP&PW OM No. 42/11/2023-P&PW(D) dated 03.04.2024]

Action Taken Report on the unresolved agenda items of 32nd SCOVA meeting, were taken up for discussion in 33rd SCOVA meeting held under the Chairmanship of Hon’ ble MOS(PP) on 22.02.2024, at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi, which are as follows:

Previous: (iii) Operationalisation of 2nd CGHS Wellness Centre with posting of full sanctioned medical staff..

(iv) Enhancement of Additional Pension

As per existing system, additional pension is admissible after attaining the age of 80 years. It was suggested that after retirement at the age of 60 years, additional 5% pension may be granted after every 5 years which will lead to 20% after attaining age of 80 years.

Discussion/Decision on the agenda item

Joint Secretary, Department of Expenditure informed that the matter has been examined in consultation with Budget Division of Department of Economic Affairs and the proposal has huge pension liabilities on account of old pension scheme and is also increasing year after year. Further, if the proposal is accepted, it is also likely to have a cascading effect on the Government’s finances, since; similar demand would arise from the retired State Government employees. Hence, due to financial constraints the proposal has not been agreed to.

In view of the requests made by SCOVA Pensioners’ Welfare Associations, the Chairman, SCOVA suggested to DoPPW/Department of Expenditure to again look into the matter.

(Action:-DoPPW and Department of Expenditure)

Next: (v) Enhancement of Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) to pensioners residing in non-CGHS areas.

Source: Minutes of the 33rd SCOVA meeting held under the Chairmanship of Hon’ ble MOS(PP) on 22.02.2024, at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi


  • M V Divakaran 11 months ago

    I am not getting any PPO ,spuesh showing no data available.

  • Bhola datt kukreti 11 months ago

    क्या इसमें ई पी एस 95 पेंशन भी शामिल है।

  • N V Vasudevan. 11 months ago

    As an EPF.95 pensioners we have been served this country for 30 to 35 years in different factories,now we are getting only rs 1800 . This has any programme to increase our pension..

  • V.RAMANATH 11 months ago

    I was appointed on 26-11-1982. promoted as Acctt on..1-5-87 and as Sr.Acct on 1-1-91.MACP given on 1-11-2011. Promoted as Supervisor(IA&AD DEPT)on 1-3-2018.No option and fixation was allowed showing MACP replacement of 2011 as fixation was already done, though the promotion post with higher scale also. Hence I humbly request to clarify whether I am eligible for any fixation/re_option from the date of next increment ..I.e from 1-7-2018 or not as per OM Dated 4_7-2023 or not. Kindly reply to my email..ramanathvellalore[at]gmail.com WhatsApp..8897896767..thnq sir

  • MANAK CHAND NAHAR 11 months ago

    Pension commutation amount be restored after completion of 10th year from the date of retirement (in place of 15 years at present) or completion of 70th year of age which ever is later.

    • Tapas Bakuli 11 months ago

      Since calculation of Commutation pension made long ago when PPF interest was allowed 12%, and now based on present rate of PPF 7.1%, commutation should be considered to restore after 10 years.