Relaxation in upper age limit for direct recruitment to non-gazetted posts on the Railways: RBE No. 22/2024 dated 07.03.2024


Relaxation in upper age limit for direct recruitment to non-gazetted posts on the Railways: RBE No. 22/2024 dated 07.03.2024

Relaxation in upper age limit for direct recruitment to non-gazetted posts on the Railways: RBE No. 22/2024 dated 07.03.2024

RBE No. 22 /2024


No. E(NG)-1/2024/RR-1/4(P0)

New Delhi, dated: 07.03.2024

The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways/Production Units
Chairpersons/Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs)
Chairpersons/Railway Recruitment Cells (RRCs)

Sub: Relaxation in upper age limit for direct recruitment to non-gazetted posts on the Railways.

In continuation to Board’s letter number E(NG)-II/2024/RR-I/4 dated 30.01.2024 (RBE No.08/2024) read with letter dated 06.02.2024 (RBE No.09/2024), it has been decided to extend relaxation of 3 years in upper age limit provided for the ongoing recruitment exercise for the post of Assistant Loco Pilot under CEN-01/2024 to direct recruitment from open market to the posts of Technician category to be notified in March 2024. This is to give relief to many candidates who may have become over-aged and have missed the opportunity to appear in recruitment in Railways due to Covid pandemic.

Director Estt.(N)
Railway Board

No. E(NG)/II/2024/RR-1/4 (Pt.) New Delhi, Dated: 07.03.2024

Copy to:
1. The General Secretary, AIRF, Room No. 253, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi (35spares).
2. The General Secretary, NFIR, Room No. 256-E, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi (35spares).
3. All Members of Departmental Council and National Council and Secretary, Staff Side, National Council, 13-C, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi (60 spares).
4. The Secretary General, FROA, Room No.256-A, Railway Board (5 spares).
5. The Secretary General, IRPOF, Room No. 268, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi (5 spares).
6. The General Secretary, AIRPF Association, Room No. 256-D, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi.
7. The Secretary, RBSS Group ‘A’ Officers’ Association, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi.
8. The Secretary, RBSS Group ‘B’ Officers’ Association, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi.
9. The Secretary, Railways Board Ministerial Staff Association Rail Bhawan, New Delhi.
10. The Secretary, Railways Board Non-Ministerial Staff Association, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi.
11. The Secretary, Railways Board Promotee officers Association, Room No. 341-C, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi.


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