Empanelment of Serving/Retired Railway Officers as Arbitrators – Amendment No. 10- Para 706 of IRVM: Railway Board


Empanelment of Serving/Retired Railway Officers as Arbitrators – Amendment No. 10- Para 706 of IRVM: Railway Board

Empanelment of Serving/Retired Railway Officers as Arbitrators – Amendment No. 10- Para 706 of IRVM: Railway Board Order dated 19.12.2023


No. 2019/V1/RVM/1/2

New Delhi, Date: 19.12.2023

All Zonal Railways/PUs

The CVOs
All PSUs


Sub.: Amendment No. 10- Para 706 of IRVM regarding Criteria for Empanelment of Serving/Retired Railway Officers as Arbitrators.

It has been decided by the Competent Authority to amend Para 706 of Indian Railway Vigilance Manual (2018 edition) regarding Criteria for Empanelment of Serving/ Retired Railway Officers as Arbitrators as per the enclosed Amendment No. 10.

DA: As above .

(Vivek Varshney)
Director Vigilance (Mech.)
Railway Board


Amendment No. 10 in Para 706 of Indian Railway Vigilance Manual-(2018 Edition) :

Existing Para 706 of Chapter VII of the Indian Railways Vigilance Manual (2018 Edition) shall be replaced as under:-

706. Empanelment of Serving/Retired Railway Officers as Arbitrators.

  1. Empanelment of serving/retired officers as Arbitrators cannot be done for: –
    1. Persons born on current ‘Agreed/Secret’ list.
    2. Persons involved in any current vigilance/CBI cases or against whom disciplinary or prosecution proceedings are in process.
    3. Persons against whom Major penalty has been imposed during last 20 years of service as a result of vigilance/CBI action.
    4. Persons against whom Minor penalty has been imposed during last 10 years of service as a result of vigilance/CBI action.

i) If any officer appointed as Arbitrator is subsequently detected to be involved in a Vigilance/CBI case, action will be taken as per extant guidelines
ii) The officers working in the Vigilance Organisation should not be considered for appointment as Arbitrators, even if empanelled, as per extant guidelines.

  1. For considering empanelment, SDGM/CVO will prepare a list of officials who are willing to be empanelled as Arbitrators. Based on various parameters i.e., integrity, ethics, experience of dealing in contracts/tenders, temperament of taking fair decisions etc., short listing to be done by SDGM / CVO.
  2. After due approval of General Manager, list of Shortlisted officials to be sent to PED/Vigilance/Railway Board for assessment and approval. Based on feedback, general image, career profile etc. PED/Vigilance will give approval to the proposal of zonal railways.
  3. Based on performance in the arbitration cases, the empanelment of arbitrator shall be reviewed every year for continuation or otherwise and shall be approved by the PED/Vigilance based on proposals of Zonal railway.
  4. The empanelment of a retired officer as arbitrator will be limited to “Three zonal Railways/PUs” only and at any given time, maximum of two arbitration cases shall be assigned to any arbitrator in a Zone/PU.

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