CGHS AYUSH Package rates – Clarification on the issues related to rates of IPD, repetition of treatment, gap rules and intimation/undertaking


CGHS AYUSH Package rates – Clarification on the issues related to rates of IPD, repetition of treatment, gap rules and intimation/undertaking

CGHS AYUSH Package rates – Clarification on the issues related to rates of IPD, repetition of treatment, gap rules and intimation/undertaking: CGHS Office Order dated 28.11.2023

Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Directorate General of CGHS
Office of the Director, CGS

CGHS Bhawan, R.K Puram,
Sec -13, New Delhi-66
Dated. 28.11 2023


Subject: Clarification on the issues related to CGHS AYUSH Package rates – Reg.

The subject matter has been discussed and deliberated with the experts in the field and clarified as under.

1. All the unit rates and package rates for IPD mentioned in the OM dated 09.11.2017 are exclusive of room rent charges. If the hospital charges room rent for indoor treatment. the same is reimbursable in addition to package rates as per the entitlement of the beneficiary till further orders.

2. Repetition of the same treatment under Yoga & Naturopathy: The time interval prescribed for repetition of same treatment under Yoga & Naturopathy as prescribed in O.M vide file no S-11011/ 90/ 2016-CGHS/ (HEC)/ AYUSH/ Pt-I is applicable from 05.07.2023 only. Such time intervals however are not applicable treatments under Ayurveda

The gap rules mentioned for the treatment intervals in N2 & Y2 of the O.M. 2017 shall be strictly followed till 04.07.2023 for clearing the pending bills of HCOs.

From 05.07.2023 onwards Point No.5 of the recent O.M. dated 05.07.2023 for treatment intervals shall be followed.

3. Regarding intimation and undertaking: CGHS latest O.M dated 05.07.2023 is not superseding the OM dated 27.10.2009 which is clearly mentioning about prior intimation to their respective department in respect of serving beneficiaries and to the concerned ADs of CGHS Cities in respect of CGHS pensioner beneficiaries. Therefore the above directives may strictly be followed by the CGHS beneficiaries by intimating the concerned and the copy of the same may be forwarded to the concerned HCOs while taking the treatment. It is appropriate to submit the undertaking by the patient for not undergoing any Yoga/ Naturopathy treatment for the last 45 days/ 03 months.

(Dr. Manoj Jain)
Director, CGHS

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