Online NPS Subscriber Registration Module for PRAN generation: CGA OM dated 25.09.2023 for complete rollout in all DDOs under all Ministries/ Departments

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Online NPS Subscriber Registration Module for PRAN generation: CGA OM dated 25.09.2023 for complete rollout in all DDOs under all Ministries/ Departments

Online NPS Subscriber Registration Module for PRAN generation: CGA OM dated 25.09.2023 for complete rollout in all DDOs under all Ministries/ Departments (PAO/CDDOs)

Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Controller General of Accounts
MahalekhaNiyantrak Bhawan
‘E’ Block, GPO Complex, INA,
New Delhi-110023


Office Memorandum

Subject: Online NPS Subscriber Registration Module for PRAN generation -reg.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this office OM No. 1-84001/1/2020-ITD-CGA/179-184 dated 12.10.2021 and OM of even No. 224-228 dated 24.11.2021, on the subject cited above.

2. Vide above said OM, it has been decided to pilot run of the employee information system (EIS)-salary module in PFMS with online Subscriber Registration of PRAN generation integration was carried out on select Ministries/Department. The said pilot run was successful.

3. It has, now been decided to complete rollout of NPS- Subscriber Registration Module in all DDOs under all Ministries/Departments (PAO/CDDOs). The user manual has been prepared and is enclosed. EIS help desk (pfms-eis [at], Tel. No. 24665-404/405/666) shall handle the queries related to the pilot roll-out.

4. All Pr. CCAs/CCAs/CAs (IC) are hereby requested to direct their PAOs to follow up and actively participate in the complete rollout of NPS- Subscriber Registration Module.
This issues with the approval of competent authority.

(Parul Gupta)
Dy. Controller General of Accounts

Read also: Online NPS Subscriber Registration Module for PRAN generation (NPS – SRM) for NPS employees – roll out on Pilot Basis

All Pr. CCAs/CCAs/CAs (IC) of the Ministries/Departments.
Copy to: Sr. AO (ITD) for uploading this OM on CGA’s website please.

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