Extension of Time- limit for exercise of Option for fixation of pay on Promotion by 17th Nov 2023 for Defence Officers: PCDAO (Pune) Message
Message Title: Extension of Time- limit for exercise of Option for fixation of pay on Promotion.
GoI, MoD, DMA letter No 1(20)/2017-D(Pay/Services)- Part-I dated 18/08/2023 read with in conjunction to MoF/DoE, New Delhi OM No.4-21/2017IC/E-IIIA dated 15/04/2021*, wherein the time limit for exercise/re-exercise of Option on promotion has been further extended, by a period of three (3) months from the date of issue of MoD, New Delhi OM dated 18/08/2023 i.e. upto 17/11/2023.
Accordingly, Officers who have been promoted or granted financial upgradation on or after 01.01.2016 and desire to exercise/re-exercise option for pay fixation from DNI may opt within three months from the date of issue of GoI, MoD, New Delhi OM dated 18/08/2023 i.e. by 17th Nov 2023. Options so exercised may also be sent through an utility provided on the website of PCDA(O), Pune.
The Last date of exercising option shall be 17th Nov 2023.
# Form of option
#Option once exercised through the utility on the website shall be binding & final. No further extension will be granted or entertained after the completion of stipulated Timeline viz 17.11.2023.
**Further, the ‘Option Calculator’ provided by office of the PCDA(O), Pune may please be referred to, for further necessary guidance while exercising your Option.
Disclaimer : The result generated by the Option Calculator developed by PCDA(O), Pune is for reference only. Any decisions made by the user concerned based on the results given by the above calculator or the outcomes thereof shall be the responsibility of the User Officer only and PCDA (O), Pune or any employee serving under him shall not be made liable for the same.
Note: The provisions of re-exercising Option under the said OM is only for fixation of pay on promotion from the DNI in the lower grade and should not to be construed for switching over of pay to the revised pay structure in 7th CPC.
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