Revision of option for switching over to the 6th CPC after grant of entry pay to Section Officer (A/Cs)/AAOs: Approval by FinMin
Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt- 110010
No. AN/XIV/7th CPC/Corr/Vol-II
Dated: 28/07/2023
All PCsDA/ CsDA/ PC of A (Fys.)
(through CGDA website)
Sub: Revision of option for switching over to the 6th CPC after grant of entry pay to Section Officer (A/Cs)/AAOs.
The case relating to revision of option for switching over to the 6โข CPC by the Section Officer (A/Cs/ AAOs of DAD consequent upon grant of entry pay to promotees Section Officer (A/Csy AAO at par with direct recruits AAOs (SAS Apprentices) was under consideration with the Min. of Finance, Dept. of Expenditure/ Ministry of Defence (Fin.).
2. In this regard, it is intimated that the proposal has been agreed to by the Min. of Finance, Dept. of Expenditure vide its [ID No. 03-05/2019-E.III(A) dated 19.07.2023 with the following decision:-
โ2. The matter has been examined. In this regard it is stated that as the grant of entry pay to promotee AAOs at par with DR AAOs of Defence Accounts Cadre vide ID dated 14.05.2018 and also issuance of a general order/ OM by this Department vide OM dated 28.09.2018 is an unforeseen development/ change of rules which has affected the earlier option of these officials for switch over to the 6th CPC pay structure, leading them in disadvantageous position, the proposal of MoD for revision of option for coming over to the 6th CPC in respect of Section Officer(A/Cs)/AAO of CGDA upon grant of entry pay at par with direct recruits AAOs (SAS Apprentices) is agreed to. However. for re-exercising of option under FR-22(1)(a)(1), if any, it is advised to consult DoP&T.
3. MoD is advised to process the case strictly in terms of CCS (RP) Rules 2008 and this Departmentโs OM dated 28.09.2018. Further it is stated that, this revision of option for coming over to the 6th CPC pay structure, once exercised, shall be final and no further revision of such option would be permissibleโฆโ
3. Re-fixation of pay of the affected SO(A/cs)/ AAOs of DAD in the 6th CPC pay structure as per their revised option may please be carried out strictly in terms of the above decision. As decided by the Ministry, this revision of option for coming over to the 6โ CPC pay structure, once exercised, shall be final and no further revision of such option would be permissible.
4. The individual / officer has to exercise his option within 3 months from the date of issue of this letter after which request for revision of option would not be entertained.
This issues with the approval of Addl. CGDA (DR).
(Mohan Lal Meena)