Retired Air India employees carrying valid CGHS cards are eligible for cashless treatment in all CGHS empanelled HCOs


Retired Air India employees carrying valid CGHS cards are eligible for cashless treatment in all CGHS empanelled HCOs

Retired Air India employees carrying valid CGHS cards are eligible for cashless treatment in all CGHS empanelled HCOs

File No. 1-26/2023-CGHS(HQ)/C&P/2471
C. G. H. S. (HQ)

Sector – 13, R K Puram
New Delhi – 110066
Phone – 011-20863474

Date:-29th May, 2023


Subject: – Regarding OPD Consultation, Day Care treatment and investigations at CGHS empanelled hospitals in respect of eligible retirees of erstwhile Air India – post disinvestment.

With reference to the above subject kind attention is drawn to the Office Memorandum 1-26/2023-CGHS (HQ)/C&P/433(A) issued on 15.03.2023 regarding scheme for providing medical facilities on cashless basis for IPD treatment at CGHS empanelled hospitals to retired employees of Air India Ltd. post disinvestment. It is now decided that hereafter retired Air India employees carrying valid CGHS cards are also eligible for cashless treatment in all CGHS empanelled HCOs (Health Care Organizations) for all OPD referrals from CGHS for OPD consultations, listed investigations and day care procedures at CGHS rates. The empanelled hospitals shall submit the bills to the bill processing agency i.e. UTI-ITSL for further necessary action.

This issues with approval of the Competent Authority.

(Dr. Anjum Bhatia)
Additional Director (Admin)
CGHS(HQ), Delhi

1. The Secretary, Ministry of Civil Aviation, Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, New Delhi.


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  • Subinoy Dutta 1 year ago

    Does ipd treatment for AIR INDIA RETIREES also cashless as per above reading or only opd/and pathological tests are cashless. Pls advise.

  • Philomena Kanagaraj 2 years ago

    I’d been to the lab for medical checkups as advised by CGHS Dr. I had to pay cash of more than ₹3000/- as the cashless circular had not yet been received. Also bought some medicines.

    Now to whom do I address or go to , which website, for reimbursement of the same ?

    Please specify with details and reply.

    Thank you

    Philomena Kanagaraj

  • Ashok Kukreja 2 years ago

    Pls keep me updated

  • Visalakshi B 2 years ago

    OK to send updates circular etc of CGHS facilities to Retired Air India employees