Exemption from the routine exercise of transfer/rotational transfer: Railway Board Order RBE No. 74/2023


Exemption from the routine exercise of transfer/rotational transfer: Railway Board Order RBE No. 74/2023

Exemption from the routine exercise of transfer/rotational transfer: Railway Board Order RBE No. 74/2023 dated 08.06.2023

RBE No.74/2023

रेलवे बोर्ड/(RAILWAY BOARD)

No. E(NG)I/2023/TR/15

New Delhi, Dated :08.06.2023

The General Manager (P)
All Zonal Railways/PUs

Sub: Exemption from the routine exercise of transfer/rotational transfer.

Ref: 1. Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-91/TR/13 dated 11.02.1992.
2. Board’s letter No. E(NG)I/2014/TR/4 dated 06.05.2014. ©
3. Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2015/TR/20 dated 10.02.2017.
4. Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2019/TR/1 dated 30.01.2019.

Kindly refer to Board’s letter of even no. dated 24.04.2023 regarding guidelines for exemption from the routine exercise of transfer/rotational transfer to Persons with Disabilities, wherein instructions on the subject of exemption from the routine exercise of transfer/rotational transfer were reiterated.

2. In continuation of the instructions mentioned therein it is stated that guidelines were issued vide Board’s letter no. E(NG)I/2014/TR/4 dated 06.05.2014 forwarding copy of DoPT’s OM No. 36035/3/2013-Estt(Res). dated 31.03.2014, para H of which reads as under:-

“As far as possible, the persons with disabilities may be exempted from the rotational transfer policy/transfer and be allowed to continue in the ssame job, where they would have achieved the desired performance. Further, preference in place of posting at the time of transfer/promotion may be given to the persons with disability subject to the administrative constraints.
The practice of considering choice of place of posting in case of persons with disabilities may be continued. To the extent feasible, they may be retained in the same job, where their services could be optimally utilized.”

3. The aforementioned provisions are also hereby reiterated for strict compliance.

(Sanjay Kumar)
Dy. Director \Estt (N)
Railway Board
Ph. No. – 011-23303658
E mail Id- sanjay.kumar6[at]gov.in

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