Committee to Review Pension System – Discussions with Staff Side (National Council, JCM): FinMin Notice & JCM letter

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Committee to Review Pension System – Discussions with Staff Side (National Council, JCM): FinMin Notice & JCM letter

Committee to Review Pension System- Discussions with Staff Side (National Council, JCM): FinMin Notice dated 02.06.2023 for meeting is scheduled to be held on 09/06/2023 at 3.00 PM at Room No. 72 North Block New Delhi under the Chairmanship of the Finance Secretary, with the Standing Committee of the National Council – JCM,


File No 1(4)/EV/2023
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
E-V Branch

North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 2nd June 2023


Shri Shiv Gopal Mishra
Secretary, Staff Side (National Council) (Joint Consuttative Machinery)
13-C- Ferozshah Road
New Deihi- 110001

Subject Committee to Review Pension System – Discussions with Staff Side (National Council, JCM)

I am directed to inform you that the Committee to review pension system, set up under the Chairmanship of Finance Secretary in terms of this Deptt OM No.1(4/EV/2023 dated 6th April 2023 proposed to hold discussions with the Staff Side of the National Council (JCM) at 3.00 PM on 9.6.2023 in Room N0. 72, North Block,

2. You are, requested to kindly attend the same along with other representatives of the Staff Side (National Council). The list of participants may be sent to the undersigned two days in advance.

Yours faithfully

(Gulveena Badhan)
Deputy Secretary to Govt of India


Staff Side (National Council – JCM) letter dated 02.06.2023 to All members of Standing Committee, NC, JCM

Shiva Gopal Mishra

Ph.: 23382286
National Council (Staff Side)
Joint Consultative Machinery
for Central Government Employees
13-C, Ferozshah Road,
New Delhi – 110001
E-Mail: [email protected]


June 2, 2023

All Members of the Standing Committee
of National Council – JCM,

Sub:-Committee to Review Pension System – Discussion with Staff Side (National Council – JCM)

Ref;-Department of Expenditure Letter No. F. No. 1(4)/EV/2023 dated 02/06/2023 dated 2nd June 2023


It is to inform you that the meeting of the Committee to Review Pension System, set up under the Chairmanship of the Finance Secretary, with the Standing Committee of the National Council – JCM, is scheduled to be held on 09/06/2023 at 3.00 PM at Room No. 72 North Block New Delhi.

It has, therefore, been decided that the meeting of the Standing Committee of N C-JCM Staff Side will be held on same day i. e 9th June 2023 at 11.00 AM to 13.00 PM, in the Secretariat National Council (Staff Side) – JCM, 13-C, Ferozshah Road, for internal discussion.

You are requested to make it convenient to attend the said meeting on the date and time referred to above.

Yours fraternally
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)

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  • SYED BALESHAHE 2 years ago

    Despite of clear and specific orders from Government, Superintendent of Post offices, Machilipatnam Division,Andhra pradesh 521001and Chief Postmaster General, Vijayawada arbitrarily withheld pension and retirement benefits of Syed Baleshahe Rtd. postal Assistant who rendered 40 years of service since 30 months ie.,w e.f 01-12-2020 without any valid reason.praying to redress his genuine justified grievances.

  • R S Rathore 2 years ago

    The very purpose of such meetings is defeated if the agreed points or the legitimate demands are not executed timely by the so called representatives of the Government of India. Therefore, such activities are merely drama & nothing else. The common man cannot be satisfied by doing all such formalities which are away from realities. Therefore, I am of the view that such modulaties must be laid down in between two that whatever points are considered just & right must be executed immediately otherwise the entire process would be futile.