Revised sanctioned strength of PS Group B posts after reconciliation/ Cadre restructuring: Department of Posts

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Revised sanctioned strength of PS Group B posts after reconciliation/ Cadre restructuring: Department of Posts

Revised sanctioned strength of PS Group B posts after reconciliation/ Cadre restructuring: Department of Posts Order No. Y-23/1/2022-PE-II dated 11.04.2023

No. Y-23/1/2022-PE-II
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Establishment Division)

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi- 110001.
Dated : 11th April, 2023.

All Chief Postmasters General.

Subject: Revised sanctioned strength of PS Group B posts after reconciliation/ Cadre restructuring.


This is regarding revised sanctioned strength of PS Group B posts in Circles after reconciliation. The sanctioned strength of PS Group B posts issued earlier vide Dte. letter no. Q-25/33/2022-PE-I-DOP dated 11.08.2022 has not included the posts of PS Group B at CEPTs, PTCs, RAKNPA and Directorates (Postal/ PU/ BD/ Parcel).

2. While reconciling the sanctioned strength of PS Group B posts at CEPTs, PTCs, RAKNPA and Directorates (Postal/ PU/ BD/ Parcel), it is observed that redeployed posts of PS Group B, surplus posts consequent on merger of PSD/CSD, GCS Cadre posts i.e. AD(Rectt)/ Supdt(Stg) have also been included in the sanctioned strength of PS Group B Cadre of some Circles.

3. In view of above, after adjustment of redeployed/ surplus/ cadre restructuring posts, the consolidated sanctioned strength of PS Group B posts is placed at Annexure-I. The bifurcation of PS Group B posts at all Directorates/PTCs/CEPTs and RAKNPA are placed at Annexure-II .

4. This revised sanctioned strength of PS Group B posts after reconciliation/ cadre restructuring is final and no requests for further change shall be entertained. All the Circles/units are requested to update their Establishment Register accordingly and report compliance.

Yours sincerely,

(R. N. Bharti)
Director (Establishment)

Annexure -I

No. Y-23-1/ 2022-PE-II Dated 11th, April, 2023

SI. No Name of Circle/ Dte./ CEPT/ PTC/ RAKNPA Sanctioned strength issued on 11.08.2022 Reconciled Sanctioned strength after adjustment of surplus/ redeployed and GCS Cadre posts No. of posts upgraded in Cadre restructuring Revised sanctioned strength of PS Group posts
1 Andhra Pradesh 42 40 6 46
2 Assam 19 18 4 22
3 Bihar 43 43 7 50
4 Chhattisgarh 10 10 4 14
5 Delhi 28 28 14 42
6 Gujarat 48 48 12 60
7 Haryana 17 17 3 20
8 Himachal Pradesh 11 11 5 16
9 Jammu & Kashmir 13 12 2 14
10 Jharkhand 13 13 6 19
11 Karnataka 51 49 16 65
12 Kerala 39 37 6 43
13 Madhya Pradesh 31 31 11 42
14 Maharashtra 89 88 39 127
15 North East 12 12 3 15
16 Odisha 32 31 8 39
17 Puniab 24 23 3 26
18 Rajasthan 40 37 7 44
19 Tamil Nadu 68 64 19 83
20 Telanoana 25 25 12 37
21 Uttar Pradesh 88 85 18 103
22 Uttrakhand 11 11 4 15
23 West Benqal 72 72 16 88
26 All PTCs 19
27 All CEPTs 6
28 All Directorates 25
29 No. of Surplus posts earmarked for redeployment 10*
Total 826 805 225 1091

*Ten (10) surplus posts consequent on merger of PSD/CSD are already earmarked and redeployment of these posts is under process.

(R.N. Bharti)
Director (Establishment)

Annexure -II

No. Y-23-1/ 2022-PE-II Dated 11th, April, 2023

SI. No. Name of the Unit Sanctioned strength of PS Group B posts
1. Postal Directorate 19
2. PU Directorate 4
3. Parcel Directorate 2
4. BD Directorate NIL
6. PTC Darbhanga 3
7. PTC Saharanpur 5
8. PTC Vadodara 5
9. PTC Madurai 1
10. PTC Mysuru 4
11. PTC Guwahati 1
12. CEPT Mysuru 2
13. CEPT Bengaluru 2
14. CEPT Chennai 1
15. CEPT Chennai 1
Total 51

(R.N. Bharti)
Director (Establishment)

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