Assistant Commandants in Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) Exam Rules, 2023


Assistant Commandants in Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) Exam Rules, 2023

Assistant Commandants in Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) Recruitment Exam Rules, 2023

New Delhi, the 26th April, 2023

No. I-45023/05/2023-PP.โ€”The Rules for a competitive examination to be held by the Union Public Service Commission in 2023 for the purpose of filling vacancies of Assistant Commandants in Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) viz. Border Security Force (BSF), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) and Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) are published for general information.

1. The number of vacancies to be filled through the examination will be specified in the Notice issued by the Commission. Reservation will be made for candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes and the Economically Weaker Sections. 10% of the total vacancies will be reserved for ExServiceman candidates. An Ex-serviceman candidate of UR/SC/ST/OBC/EWSs category will be counted against the vacancies of the respective category.

NOTE : In case the vacancy(ies) reserved for Ex-servicemen remain unfilled due to non-availability of eligible or qualified candidates, the same shall be filled by candidates from non-ex-servicemen category.

2. The examination will be conducted by the Union Public Service Commission in the manner prescribed in Appendix-I to these rules.

The dates on which and the places at which the examination will be held shall be fixed by the Commission.

3. No person who is not a citizen of India shall, except with the consent of the Central Government signified in writing, be appointed or employed under these Rules.

Provided that nothing contained in these rules shall debar the appointment, enrolment or employment of a subject of Nepal or Bhutan under these rules.

4. Both Male and Female candidates will be eligible for this examination.

5(a) A candidate must have attained the age of 20 years and should not exceed the age of 25 years on 1st August, 2023 i.e. he/she must have been born not earlier than 2nd August, 1998 and not later than 1st August, 2003.

(b) The upper age limit prescribed above will be relaxable-

(i) Upto a maximum of five years if a candidate belongs to a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe;

(ii) Upto a maximum of three years in the case of candidates belonging to Other Backward Classes who are eligible to avail of reservation applicable to such candidates;

(iii) Upto a maximum of five years for Civilian Central Government Servants in accordance with the existing instructions of the Central Government. Ex-servicemen will also be eligible for this relaxation. However the total relaxation claimed on account of Government Service will be limited to five years.

Note-I: Candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes and the Other Backward Classes who are also covered under any other category of Para 5(b) above, viz. those coming under the category of Civilian Central Government Servants / Ex-servicemen will be eligible for grant of cumulative age-relaxation under both the categories.

Note-II: The term ex-servicemen will apply to the persons who are defined as ex-servicemen in the Ex-servicemen (Re-employment in Civil Service and Posts) Rules, 1979, as amended from time to time and the instructions issued by the Government vide DoP&Tโ€˜s OM No.36012/3/ 2021-Estt. (Res.II) dated 27.02.2023, which provides, inter-alia, as under :-

โ€œCandidates working in the Armed Forces would become eligible for applying Civil posts only when he completes the prescribed period of Armed Forces Service within a year from the last date of receiving application in connection with Special Recruitment/Examination, etc., prescribed by the Competent Authority.

Provided, when selection process takes more than one year, from the last date of receiving of applications, the candidate will not be declared ineligible under Ex-servicemen category only on the ground that he has got himself released from Armed Forces after one year from the last date of receiving of application.โ€

Such candidates are also required to be in possession of the prescribed certificate and the Undertaking as at AppendixIV(A) and IV(B) of the Rules, by the closing date of the application as may be notified by the Commission in its Notice for the Examination.

Note-III: The term โ€•Civilian Central Government Servantsโ€– in Para 5(b)(iii) above will apply to persons who are defined as โ€•Government Servantsโ€– in the Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965 as amended from time to time.

Note IV: The age concession under rule 5(b)(iii) will be admissible to Ex-Servicemen i.e. a person who has served in any rank whether as combatant or non-combatant in the Regular Army, Navy and Air Force of the Indian Union and who either has been retired or relieved or discharged from such service whether at his own request or being relieved by the employer after earning his or her pension.

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  • Mrs Raman Dwivedi 1 year ago

    Welfare of Ex-Service Man โ€“ Govt of India /DoPT, New Delhi has not given the age relaxation to Ex Service man (Army /Navy/AF) they allowed age up to 35 Yrs as per the British Govt letters ie 1965 and 1979. Kindly review the system and SOP/Rulling bcoz a Army per enrolled in Army/Navy/AF Min Age 18 Yrs and after Completion of premature retirement 18 Yrs pensionable service, in that that he has 36 Yrs. How,they can apply up the age 35 Yrsโ€ฆIf the Army pers getting the rank of Havildar (As per Govt Rule 24 Yrs service), how he will apply as a Asst. Comdt. Kindly do the need Full and review the old policy for the welfare of Ex serviceman. Regards