Modified Flexible Complementing Scheme: Information Document by DoP&T

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Modified Flexible Complementing Scheme: Information Document by DoP&T

Modified Flexible Complementing Scheme: Information Document by DoP&T dated 22.11.2022

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
ESTT.(Estt. RR-II)

North Block, New Delhi
Dated 22 November, 2022


Subject:- Modified Flexible Complementing Scheme

This Department has issued guidelines on Modified Flexible Complementing Scheme (MFCS) vide OM No.AB-14017/37/2008-Estt.(RR) dated 10.09.2010, which is annexed herewith. Other instructions on the subject of MFCS are as under:

1. Frequently Asked Questions have been issued on MFCS.

OM No: No. AB-14017/35/2011-Estt.(RR) Dated: 23/9/2011

2. Composition of Departmental Promotion Review Committee (DPRC):

2.1 The composition of Departmental Promotion Review Committee (DPRC) for considering promotion from the grade of Scientist E to the grade of Scientist F is as under:

(a) Secretary of the administrative Ministry concerned โ€“ Chairman

(b) Two Secretaries of other Scientific Ministries/ Departments โ€“ Member or their representatives who are at least one level above the post to which in-situ promotion under FCS/MFCS is to be made

(c) Two eminent Scientist specializing in the field of Scientific activity โ€“ Member

(d) Joint Secretary, DoPT โ€“ Member

OM No: No. AB-14017/37/2008-Estt.(RR) Dated: 18/3/2015

2.2 Secretary, DoPT will nominate an Additional Secretary to represent DoPT in the meetings of the Departmental Peer Review Committee.

OM No: AB-14017/14/2006-Estt(RR) Dated: 28/3/2006

2.3 Scientific Ministries/Departments are required to send their request for nomination of a representative from DoPT in the meeting DPRC/Assessment Board atleast 10 days before the meeting is scheduled. Scientific Ministries/Departments are also to provide agenda notes to the representative of DoPT atleast 03 days in advance. An officer of appropriate level not below the rank of Deputy Secretary/Director shall be deputed to brief representative of DoPT on the issue at least one day in advance. The agenda note should separately indicate the following information:

S.No. Information sought Status
(i) Whether the Scientists to be assessed fulfils the Educational Qualifications as per FCS scheme. YES/NO
(ii) Whether the Scientists to be assessed completes the prescribed residency period in the feeder grade. YES/NO
(iii) Whether ACRs are complete in all respects YES/NO
(iv) Status of vigilance clearance Clear/Not clear

Note: If answer to any of the questions is negative, then details should be provided in the agenda.

OM No: No. Misc.14017/5/2016-Estt.RR Dated: 9/12/2016

3. Educational Qualifications: It has been decided to include degrees of M.Sc. (Electronics) and M.Sc. (Applied Electronics) as subjects under Engineering equivalent to Bachelorโ€™s Degree in Engineering.

OM No: No.AB.14017/44/2011-Estt.(RR) Dated: 5/9/2013

4. Treatment of period of leave towards minimum residency period: Following types of leave availed by an eligible scientist shall be counted towards minimum residency period required to be put in by the scientists in the lower grade for consideration for promotion under Flexible Complementing Scheme:

(i) The period spent on deputation/Foreign Service to another scientific post, which helps a Scientist to acquire scientific experience in a diverse set up.

(ii) Period of Study Leave/ any other Leave taken for the academic accomplishments to improve scientific knowledge.

(iii) Maternity Leave sanctioned as per Leave Rules shall be treated as duty while counting the minimum residency period for promotions under FCS.

(iv) Leave of a maximum period of one year sanctioned in continuation of maternity leave as per Leave Rules may also be treated on par with maternity Leave and this period may consequently be taken into account while counting the minimum residency period.

(v) Earned Leave for a total period of not exceeding 180 days (for 3 year residency period), 210 days (for 4 year residency period) and 240 days (for 5 year residency period) sanctioned as per Leave Rules shall also be taken into account while computing minimum residency period.

(va) Child Care Leave sanctioned as per Rules shall also be taken into account while computing minimum residency period.

(vi) The period spent on deputation/foreign service to a non-scientific post and the period of leave including leave on medical grounds, EOL etc. availed on personal grounds shall not count towards the minimum residency period.

OM No: AB-14017/32/2013-Estt. (RR) Dated: 25/2/2019

OM No: No. AB-14017/32/2013-Estt(RR) Dated: 30/7/2014

5. Date of effect of promotions:

5.1 Promotions are made effective from a prospective date after the competent authority has approved the same.

5.2 The competent authority shall ensure that no promotion is granted with retrospective effect.

OM No: No.AB-14017/32/2002-Estt(RR) Dated: 17/7/2002

5.3 Under FCS, promotion is not effected upon arising of a vacancy. Subject to being found suitable, the Scientists are entitled to be promoted in situ. The guidelines however lay down that assessment norms for promotions under the FCS should be rigorous with due emphasis on evaluation of scientific and technical knowledge so that only scientists who have to their credit demonstrable achievements or higher level of technical merit are recommended for promotion. Giving the benefit of promotions from a retrospective date or from the date of completion of residency period without timely assessment as prescribed in our guidelines would dilute the spirit of FCS instructions on rigorous assessment and would be akin to granting of financial upgradation as in other such schemes.

OM No: No. AB-14017/36/2011-Estt(RR) Dated: 21/9/2012

6. For Reference: Instructions on Flexible Complementing Scheme:

6.1 Flexible Complementing Scheme for Scientists in various scientific departments โ€“ recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission for modification of the scheme โ€“ regarding.

OM No: No. 2/41/97-PIC Dated: 9/11/1998

6.2 Scientific and Technical Group โ€œAโ€ (Gazetted) posts in the Department of Science and Technology, the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, the Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources, the Department of Ocean Development, the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Wild Life, the Department of Bio-Technology and the Department of Electronics (In-situ Promotion under Flexible Complementing Scheme) Rules, 1998.

OM No: 2/41/97-PIC Dated: 9/11/1998

6.3 Flexible Complementing Scheme for Scientists in scientific departments โ€“ modification of guidelines.

OM No: No.AB-14017/32/2002-Estt(RR) Dated: 29/11/2002

6.4 DPC Procedure โ€“ Constitution of DPCs in respect of cases which required ACC approval โ€“ Applicability in the case of promotions under the Flexible Complementing Scheme

OM No: No.AB-14017/32/2002-Estt(RR) Dated: 2/12/2002

(Sign of Authority)
Rajesh Kumar
Under Secretary

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