Nation-wide Campaign for Submission of Digital Life Certificate – DoPPW O.M. dated 02.11.2022
सं. 1(3)/2022-P&PW(H)-8371
कार्मिक, लोक शिकायत और पैंशन मंत्रालय
पेंशन और पेंशनमोगी कल्याण विभाग
8वीं मंजिल ‘बी’ विंग, जनपथ भवन
जनपथ नई दिल्ली-110001
दिनांक: 2 नवंबर, 2022
Sub: Nation-wide Campaign for Submission of Digital Life Certificate — reg.
The undersigned is directed to say that submission of Life Certificate is an important activity Lo be carried out by pensioners every year in the month of November (with special provision for pensioners aged 80 years and above to submit their Life Certificates mm the month of October} to ensure continuity of their pension.
2. In the traditional mode, pensioners had to present themselves before the Pension Disbursing Authority for physical submission of their Life Certificate which entailed waiting at the bank branches in queues for this purpose. This was found inconvenient for the old, ailing and infirm pensioners. Further, there was no mechanism for the pensioners to get a sluts regarding updation of their Life Certificates in the records of the Pension Disbursing Authority.
3. To enhance “Ease of Living’ of Central Government pensioners, this Department has been promoting Digital Life Certificate (DLC) i.e. Jeevan Pramaan extensively. Initially, submission of DLCs using biometrics was commenced. However, inssues regarding authentication processes of DLCs were faced by older pensioners due to non-capturing of finger bio-metrics on account of aging.
4. This Department therefore engaged with MeitY to develop a face-recognition technology system based on UIDAI Aadhaar database whereby it is possible to subrrul Life Certificate from any Android based smart phone. As per this facility, the identity of a person is established through face recognition technique. The UIDAI server identifies the same and DLC gets generated. This breakthrough technology launched m November 2021 has reduced the dependence of pensioners on external bio-metric devices and has made the process more accessible and affordable to masses by leveraging smartphone-based technology. The SOP regarding the DLC/Face Authentication technique is attached for reference.
5. With a view to spread awareness amongst all the Central Government pensioners as well as the Pension Disbursing Authorities for use of DLC/Face Authentication Technology to submit Digital Life Certificate, DoPPW is launching nation-wide campaign for whole month of November 2022 for their ‘Ease of Living.’

6. The Nation-wide Campaign for DLC may be carried out as per guidelines mentioned below to reach out to the maximum number of pensioners to avail the service as a request to the following stake-holders:-
(i) Role of Banks:
- A nodal officer. not below the rank of Assistant General Manager, may be nominated for the Nation-wide DLC Campaign.
- Spread awareness, give due publicity to DLC/Face Authentication technique through banners‘posters placed in digi-huts, ATMs and branches.
- Where Doorstep banking services are availed, the Bank Correspondent should use DLO Pace Authentication technique as tar as possible. This technique is beneficial since it avoids paper werk and does away with the need to verify physical LCs,
- Similarly, dedicated staff at branches should be equipped with an Android phone ta use this technology when pensioners visit the branch for submission of Life Certificate.
- Camps should be held by bank branches to enable pensioners to submit their DLCs without delay.
- However, where DLC docs not work due to any reason no Pensioner shall be returned and traditional manual LC can be submitted.
(ii) Role of Ministries/Departments:
- A nodal officer, nol below the rank of DS-‘Dir, may be nominated by all Ministries/Departments.
- Provision should be made for generating Digital Life Certificates using DLC/Face Authentication technique by providing an Android phone to the designated person at every field office for the entire month of the campaign. GLC should be issued for all Central Government pensioners visiting the Ministry Department, field offices, and subordinate organizations.
- While publicity should be given to this campaign by spreading awareness through banners/social media/whatsapp groups/SMS Messages/through staff unions.
- Photographs to be taken for posting of tweets of such campaigns.
- In case of request from bed ridden pensioners, an officer shall be deputed for DLO submission.
- Weekly PIB notes giving information about the campaign should be published.
(iii) Role of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare:
- All CGHS Wellness centers/Dispensaries/Hospitals may be directed to set up camps in their premises for submission of Digital Life Certificates using DLO Face Authentication technique/biometric.
- A dedicated person should be equipped with an Android phone for issue of Digital Life Certificate of the pensioners visiting the camp.
- Pictures taken during the process are to be forwarded to DoPPW.
(iv) Role of Pensioners’ Associations:
- Special DLC camps should be organized through the month using DLC/Face Authentication technique
- DoPPW officials. in collaboration with Pensioners’ Associations, will visit 37 centers where a large number of pensioners can be facilitated m issuance of their DLCs using DLC/Face Authentication technology.
- Pictures are to be taken and posted on twitter and also sent to DoPPW.
(v) Role of IPPS:
- A nodal officer may be nominated at a senior level.
- India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) to utilize its network of access points in Post Offices and Postmen & Gramin Dak Sevaks to provide doorstep DLC facility to pensioners as per their earlier arrangement.
- Pictures are lo be taken and posted on twitter and also sent to DoPPW.
Encl: As Above.
अशोक कुमार सिंह)
अवर सचिव, भारत प्रकार
फोन: 23310108
Thank you very much for updating the news particularly for senior citizen latest order posted by you is very much useful.
Ramamurthy N
It is a very good change for older pensner but illiterate person unable to use phone and use camera so bank staff should help the pensner bank staff must help and phone no also should be alwo one so there is no complications.thanking you.