Appointment to the post of MTS – MoD clarifies that No provision for regularization of outsourced Staff

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Appointment to the post of MTS – MoD clarifies that No provision for regularization of outsourced Staff

Appointment to the post of MTS in the Pay Matrix Level 1 -MoD clarifies that No provision for regularization of outsourced Staff


No. Pay/II/Tech/Misc/AFT


All Area Accounts Office under jurisdiction of PCDA (WC)
Pay Section (Local) , TA Section (Local)

Subject- Provisional offer of appointment to the post of MTS in the Pay Matrix Level 1 in the Armed Forces Tribunal-reg.

In this connection, HQrs Office letter No. AT/II/Pay Civ/2702/Clar-IV/E-3507 dated 05/11/2022 along with Ministry of Defence letter bearing MoD ID No.4(1)/2022-D(AFTC) dated 27/09/2022 in r/o ibid subject is circulated herewith for information & necessary action accordingly at your end.


Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam,
Delhi Cantt- 110010

No. AT/II/Pay Civ/2702/Clar-IV/E- 3507

Date: 05.11.2022


The PCSDA/CsDA and equivalents

Subject: Provisional offer of appointment to the post of MTS in the Pay Matrix Level 1 in the Armed Forces Tribunal – reg. .

The undersigned is directed to state that the issue regarding appointment/recruitment of 17 temporary staff (earlier employed through outsourcing) on regular basis to the post of MTS in the Pay Matrix Level 1 in various benches of Armed Tribunal by Chairperson of the AFT without following the procedure for direct recruitment mentioned in para 7 of the SRO 2 (E) dated 10-06-2013 was raised by office of the PDCA, New Delhi

2. In order to clarify the issue, the matter was forwarded to the MoD (AFT Cell), New Delhi for examination and issue of guidelines/clarification so that further action may be taken in such cases.

3. In response thereto, the MoD (AFT Cell) vide their ID Bearing No. 4( 1) /2022-D (AFTC) dated 27.09.2022 has intimated that there is no provision for regularization of outsourced Staff. A copy of MoD (AFTC) dated 27.09.2022 is forwarded herewith for information, record; guidance and further necessary action, if any, in this regard.

4, This issues with the approval of Addl CGDA (SGD).

2. Hindi version will follow.

Accounts Officer

Ministry of Defence
Department of Defence
D(AFT Cell)

Subject: Provisional offer of appointment to the post of MTS in the Pay Matrix Level-1 in the Armed Forces Tribunal – reg

Reference is invited to CGDA ID No. AT/Army/Pay Civ/2702/Clar-IV/E-3507 dated 02.03.2022 on the above mentioned subject . The original file of DAD (No. AT/Army/Pay Civ/2702/Clar-IV/E-3507 (PC)) is being returned herewith.

2. The matter has been examined in the Ministry and in this regard, it is stated that there is no provision for regularization of Outsourced Staff. Therefore, DAD may take action accordingly, in this regard.

3. This issues with the approval of Defence Secretary.

Encl: As Above

(Nitika Gupta)
Director (CP)

Sh. Atma Prakash, Accounts Officer (Army), DAD Headquarters
MoD ID No.4(1)/2022-D(AFTC) dated 01.09.2022

Copy to:
AFT(PB) West Block VIII Sec-1, R.K Puram New Delhi- 110066 Since there is no provision for regularization of Outsourced Staff, therefore AFT(PB) is requested not to process such Cases of regularization of Outsourced Staff.


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