Treatment Management in ECHS โ€“ Standard Operative Procedure 


Treatment Management in ECHS โ€“ Standard Operative Procedure 

Treatment Management in ECHS โ€“ Standard Operative Procedure




1. Exservicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS) was launched wef 01 Apr 03 as a mandatory scheme whereas it is optional for those retired on or before 31 Mar 03. The beneficiaries include retired pensioners of Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, SFF and Nepal Domiciled Gorkhas (NDGs). Assam Rifles may be added as and when approved by the Govt. At present, being ESM and defence pensioner is the mandatory criteria for ECHS membership.

2. The treatment is provided through a chain of Polyclinic (PCs), Service Hospitals, Govt Hospitals and Empanelled Hospitals. Since ECHS primarily serves middle & old age veterans and their dependants, it is therefore essential that the procedures are user friendly while optimizing the allocated budget and preventing unfair practices. It has been experienced that majority of problems being faced by ECHS beneficiaries are primarily due to lack of clarity on rules and regulations at all ends, be it the beneficiary, ECHS Staff at different echelons, service and empanelled hospitals. The problem is further compounded due to subjective interpretation of rules and regulations.

3. Since number of proposals are in advanced stage with the Govt and therefore some of them have also been covered in this document to give complete picture but their operationalisation will take place after approval. A careful reading of this document is therefore essential. Issues needing approval have been given in bold. Some imp aspects have been also given in bold. Since Service Hosps and Empanelled Hosps for all ailments are not available in large No of districts, the thrust has been given to utilize local treatment facilities. Some aspects have been deliberately repeated for sake of clarity.


4. This SOP is aimed to bring out clarity on ECHS patientโ€™s treatment issues in a singular document so that ECHS not only remains an unparalled scheme in conception but also achieves the same reputation in execution domain as well.


5. The document has been divided in the following parts:-

(a) Part 1. Activities at Home.

(b) Part 2. Activities at Polyclinics.

(c) Part 3. Activities at Govt Hosps.

(d) Part 4. Activities at Emp Hosps.

(e) Part 5. Activities Post Visiting PCs/Hosps.

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