Review of Incentives / Special Allowances granted to AIS officers working in North Eastern Region: DoP&T OM dated 23.09.2022
No. 14017/01/2022-AIS-II
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
New Delhi, dated the 23rd September, 2022
The Chief Secretary,
All the State Governments.
Subject: Review of Incentives / Special Allowances granted to AIS officers working in North Eastern Region โ reg.
I am directed to state that the Government, after review of the various incentives/Special Allowances being granted to the AIS officers working in the North Eastern Region, has decided that the incentives/Special Allowances granted through the following letters/OMs issued by this Department be withdrawn with immediate effect:
Sl. No. | OM / letter No. & Date | Subject |
1. | 14017/4/2005-AIS (II) โ 10.02.2009 | Additional monetary incentive to All India Service officers belonging to the North-East Cadres. |
2. | 14017/30/2005-AlS- II(Pt.VIII) โ 22.01.2007 | Service conditions of AIS officers working in North-East โ Post Retirement Housing. |
3. | 14017/4/2005-AIS(II) โ 16.02.2009 | Incentive of reimbursement of payable income tax to Tribal All India Service officers belonging to the North-East Cadres while on central deputation. |
4. | Part I(A) and I(B) of 13017/16/2003-AIS โ 05.09.2017 | Inter-Cadre Deputation to/from North East Cadres. |
2. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.
Yours faithfully,
(Kuldeep Chaudhary)
Under Secretary to Government of India
Ph. 23094714
Copy to: (i) Addl. Secretary / Joint Secretary (Administration), Prime Ministerโs Office,
(ii) Addl. Secretary / Joint Secretary (Administration), All the Ministries / Departments of Government of India
(iii) Addl. Secretary (Police-l), Ministry of Home Affairs, North Block, New Delhi.