Non-Statutory Departmental Canteens and its employees: Compendium of instructions/guidelines issued by the Office of the Director (Canteens)
No.15/4/2007-Dir. (C)
Government of India
Department of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market,
New Delhi dated 13/09/2022
Subject :-Compendium of instructions/guidelines issued by the Office of the Director (Canteens) โ regarding.
Office of the Director (Canteens) being the nodal authority has issued various instructions/ guidelines on various aspects of Non-Statutory Departmental Canteens and its employees. The Orders issued by Office of Director (Canteens) from time to time had been brought together in the compilation โAdministrative Instructions on Departmental Canteens in Government Office and Industrial Establishmentsโ(Known as โGreen Bookโ). Since then, certain instructions / orders have been revised and new instructions have also been issued by this Department.
2. It may be mentioned here that the instructions/ guidelines issued by this Department are to be implemented by the administrative Ministries/ Departments of the respective departmental canteens. With a view to provide complete gist of functioning of departmental canteens, the orders issued by this Department till date have been compiled and enclosed herewith for ready reference. All the orders mentioned herein available on DoPTโs website ( => Notification => OM & Orders => Canteen).
3. All the Ministries/ Departments are requested to bring the instructions/ guidelines to the concerned Establishments/ Attached/ Subordinate Offices under their jurisdiction.
Encl.:- As above
(Kulbhushan Malhotra)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Copy to:-
1. All Ministries/Departmentโs of the Government of India.
(Director/Deputy Secretaries Incharge, Administrative Division/Wing as per Standard List).
2. Presidentโs Secretariat, Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi.
3. Director (Admn.), DOP&T, North Block, New Delhi.
4. Director of Audit, Central Revenue, New Delhi.
5. Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance, New Delhi.
6. Controller General of Defence Accounts, R.K. Puram, West Block, New Delhi.
7. CAOโs Office, Ministry of Defence, DHQ, PO, New Delhi-110011.
8. Administrator, all Union Territories as per standard list.
Departmental Canteens have been set-up in Central Government Office/Establishments as a measure of staff welfare to make available hygienically prepared beverages, snacks and meals to the employees at reasonable rates. The Office of Director of Canteens in the Department of Training under the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions is the nodal agency for laying down instructions/policies & guidelines on the various aspects of running the Canteens.
Complete details of the guidelines are available in the compilation โAdministrative Instructions on Departmental Canteens in Government Office and Industrial Establishmentsโ(Known as โGreen Bookโ):
Green Book
The essence of various instructions in the matter has been summarized in the following paras for guidance and better understanding:
Opening / Closing/ Upgradation/ Downgradation of Canteens/ Tiffin Rooms :-
To facilitate speedy decision on the above matter, respective Ministries/ Departments have been delegated powers to avoid undue delay in the settlement of cases.
O.M. No. 15/4/2007-Dir(C) dated 12.12.2007
Approval for creation of additional post and revival of post is required to be obtained from Ministry of Finance in accordance with existing instructions. If any staff rendered surplus from departmental canteen, the same would be governed as per existing Government Instructions issued by Retraining and Redeployment Cell of DoPT.
O.M. No. 1/1/2002-CS.III dated 26.03.2002
(read with) O.M. No. 1/18/88-CS-III dated 01.04.1989
Accommodation for the canteen is to be provided by the Department/Office concerned. All initial provision of fixtures, fittings, lighting arrangement, water storage tanks, white washing, payment of electricity & water bills etc. and their maintenance thereafter will be the responsibility of the civil works agency of that Department/ Office. The floor area for a canteen should be sufficient to provide a dining hall of a size where 1/3rd of the Office strength could be served at a time. Preferably there should be separate rooms for kitchen, pantry, store, gas/fuel room, dry ration, fresh vegetable etc. The scale of space
for canteen is one sq.ft.(0.9 sq. mt.) per person in an Office including the space of dining hall, kitchen etc. (as per Ministry of Urban Development O.M. dated 20.2.2014).
O.M. No.11015/1/98-Pol.1 dated 16.03.2017
Personnel :-
Canteen employees working in Departmental canteens located in Central Government Offices had been declared as Government employees w.e.f. 01.10.1991 and had been extended all benefits as are available to other Central Government employees of comparable status.
O.M. No.12/5/91-Dir(C) dated 29.01.1992
Canteen Staff is under administrative control of respective Department/ Ministry in which the canteen is functioning. The present hierarchy of post in Non-Statutory Departmental Canteens is as follows:
S.No. | Designations |
1. | General Manager |
2. | Deputy General Manager |
3. | Manager |
4. | Manager-cum-Accountant |
5. | Assistant Manager-cum- Storekeeper |
6. | Clerk |
7. | Halwai-cum-Cook |
8. | Assistant Halwai-cum-Cook |
9. | Canteen Attendant |
Size/Category of Canteens
Type of Canteen and staffing norms for each category of canteen depends on the number of employees in respective Department/Office
O.M. No.13/10/2001-Dir(C) dated 22.12.2004
O.M. No. 13/6/2008-Dir(C) dated 09.06.2008
Total Strength of the Department/ Establishment Office | Type of Canteen entitled to | Sanctioned Strength of Canteen Staff |
25 to 49 | Type โBโ Tiffin Room | 2 |
50 to 99 | Type โAโ Tiffin Room | 3 |
100 to 500 | Type โDโ Canteen | 7 |
501 to 1000 | Type โCโ Canteen | 13 |
1001 to 1500 | Type โBโ Canteen | 15 |
1501 to 2000 | Type โAโ Canteen | 20 |
2001 to 2500 | Type โ2Aโ Canteen | 23 |
2501 to 3000 | Type โ3Aโ Canteen | 29 |
3001 to 3500 | Type โ4Aโ Canteen | 35 |
3501 to 4000 | Type โ5Aโ Canteen | 37 |
4001 to 4500 | Type โ6Aโ Canteen | 42 |
4501 to 5000 | Type โ7Aโ Canteen | 46 |
5001 to 5500 | Type โ8Aโ Canteen | 49 |
5501 to 6000 | Type โ9Aโ Canteen | 54 |
6001 to 6500 | Type โ10Aโ Canteen | 58 |
Recruitment :-
Respective Ministry/Departments can fill vacancies in their canteens, keeping in view instructions issued by Ministry of Finance from time to time. Procedure for creation/revival of post as prescribed by Ministry of Finance is required to be followed. The recruitment and promotion of staff is required to be done as per Recruitment Rules notified by respective Department.
Office of Director (Canteens) has framed Model RRs for the canteen posts from time to time in respect of group B & group C posts meant for Canteen employees. In case of group โCโ posts, the Ministries/ Departments are required to get the RRs vetted from Ministry of Law before notifying them. In case of group โBโ posts, the Ministries/ Departments are required to obtain the approval of DoPT, UPSC and Ministry of Law before notifying them.
O.M. No. 3/2/2009-Dir( C) dated 22.05.2013
O.M. No. 3/2/2009-Dir(C) dated 04.06.2014
(as amended from time to time)
Discontinuation of Interviews :-
Interviews in all Direct Recruitment to non-gazetted, non-ministerial Group B & C posts in Non-statutory departmental canteens located in Central Government Offices have been discontinued. The recruitment to these posts shall be made purely on the basis of written test/ skill test by respective ministries taking into consideration job requirement for specific post.
O.M. No. 03/1/2016-Dir(C) dated 03.02.2016
Duties and Responsibilities of various posts :-
The duties and responsibilities of various posts in Non-statutory departmental canteens located in Central Government Offices are contained in O.M. No.3/2/2009-Dir.(C) dated 5.6.2014.
O.M. No. 03/02/2009-Dir(C) dated 05.06.2014
Financial Up gradation:-
For the purpose of determining the eligibility for consideration of financial up gradation of canteen employees under ACP/MACP Scheme, the service rendered by canteen employee will be reckonable from 26.9.1983 or the actual appointment in regular pay scale whichever is later. MACP orders have been issued time to time.
O.M. No. 3/4/2010-Dir(C) dated 01.09.2010
Pension :-
The entire past service rendered on regular basis by the non-statutory canteen employees will be reckoned as qualifying service for purpose of calculation of pension.
O.M. No. 12/4/97-Dir(C) (Vol.II) dated 26.11.2012
Canteen employees will not be diverted to non canteen seats :-
All the Ministries/ Departments should ensure that the canteen employees work in departmental canteens only and are not diverted against CSCS posts.
O.M. No. 15/3/92-Dir(C) dated 05.04.1994
Annual Performance Appraisal Report (APAR):-
Format of Annual Performance Assessment Report (APAR) is applicable to all the employees of Non Statutory Canteen working with Central Government.
O.M. No. 3/2/2010-Dir(C) dated 31.05.2010
Dress Allowance :-
Consequent upon the decisions taken by the Government on the recommendations of Seventh CPC, Dress Allowance to Canteen Staff of Non- Statutory departmental canteens is to be given at the rate Rs. 5000/- per annum.
O.M. No. 19051/1/2017-E.IV dated 02.08.2017
Canteen Allowance and Cooking Allowance :-
Consequent upon the decisions taken by the Government on the recommendations of Seventh CPC, Special Allowance had been renamed as Canteen Allowance which is being granted to a certain category of canteen employees.
O.M. No. 3/3/2015-Dir(C) dated 04.06.2019
Consequent upon the recommendations of the 7th CPC, Cooking Allowance is being granted to Assistant Halwai-cum-Cook and Halwai-cum- Cook working in Non Statutory departmental canteen.
O.M. No. 3/5/2018-Dir(C) dated 01.10.2019
A Managing Committee is constituted for each Departmental Canteen comprising Officers and staff of the Department/Office occupying the building in which the canteen is located. The affairs of Departmental Canteens are to be overseen by a Managing Committee headed by the Head of the Department.
O.M. No. 27/1/2005-Director(Canteens) dated 14.08.2013
The actual menus may be decided and adopted by the Managing Committee keeping in view the local needs and tastes of the customers. Adequate variety in preparations may be rotated as desired by the beneficiaries. An illustrative list of vegetarian items of menu may be seen at para 1.10 of the Green Book.
Green Book
New and healthy food items in departmental canteens have been introduced in Departmental Canteens located in Central Government Offices as a measure of staff welfare for providing healthy, hygienic, properly cooked food at reasonable rates
O.M. No. 03/02/2015-Dir(C) dated 28.05.2015
Periodic revision of rates of eatables :-
The Managing Committee of respective Departmental Canteen fixes/reviews the prices of eatables
O.M. No. 27/1/2005-Director(Canteens) dated 14.08.2013
Revenue from Departmental Canteen :-
The proceeds of the Departmental Canteens may continue to be deposited in the Nationalized Bank as hitherto and accounts operated as per the instructions contained in the Green Book. It may be noted that the sale proceeds are not to be deposited under government revenue. The funds for making purchases of raw materials of food stuff and eatables etc. should be drawn from this account and strict vigilance to be kept on the expenditure. The cash book, stock register and other account of the canteens to be regularly checked by the Chairman/Secretary of the Managing Committee in addition to the normal audit.
Hygiene, sanitation and cleanliness :-
The various orders on maintenance of hygiene and sanitation are available in โGreen Bookโ. Office of the Director of Canteen also carries out Periodical/ Surprise Inspections. A suggestion-cum-complaint book should also be maintained in the canteen. All the measures to procure standard provisions should-be undertaken to avoid adulteration. Stern disciplinary action should be taken against any employee of the canteen found indulging in any act which may lead to adulteration.
Accounts and Audit :-
Preparation of Annual account and their submission shall be the responsibility of Manager of Canteen. The accounts of the canteen will be subject to Government Audit. Detailed instructions are available in Chapter XVI of Green Book.
Scholarship Scheme :-
As a measure of welfare for the children of Canteen staff, Scholarship ranging to Rs. 2000/- to Rs. 15000/- is granted to children of Canteen staff from Discretionary Fund of Director(Canteens) under the Scholarship Scheme. (O.M. No.- 20/1/2021-Dir.(C) dated 18.08.2021)
O.M. No. 20/1/2021-Dir(C) dated 18.08.2021
Modernization of canteens :-
A Scheme has been initiated wherein amount ranging from Rs.5 lakhs to Rs.20 lakhs is granted to Ministries/Departments for modernization of Departmental Canteens.
O.M. No. 21/2/2021-Dir(C) dated 26.02.2021
D.O. No :-11/1/2020-DirC)
Dated :- July, 2022
This is with reference to your letter No.- DEL/TS/2199 dated 21.06.2022 regarding upgradation of the post of General Manager in Non- Statutory departmental canteens under Central Government Offices. In this connection, I would like to inform you that this Department has taken up the proposal for upgradation of Pay Level of General Manager with Department of Expenditure which is the nodal Department and is currently pursuing the matter vigorously.
With regards Yours sincerely,
Sh. Tejasvi Surya,
Honโble Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha),
Bengaluru South- Karnataka,
#44, 11th Main, Aurobindo Marg, Jayanagar 5th Block, opp. Pu Ti Na Park, Bengaluru- 560041
Dear sir/madam this is rama pm from Bangalore ags canteen .your proposal upgradation for scale only canteen general manager. I request you sir/madam please all canteen staff basic scale Upgradation And promote the staff thank you sir/madam.
I will change my email address