Missing entries in GPF accumulation of subscriber: DoP&PW OM


Missing entries in GPF accumulation of subscriber: DoP&PW OM

Missing entries in GPF accumulation of subscriber: DoP&PW OM dated 18.08.2022

No. 3/7/2020-P&PW (F)/6728
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensionโ€™ Welfare

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi,

Dated: 18.08.2022


Subject: โ€“ Missing entries in GPF accumulation of subscriber regarding.

The undersigned is directed to Say that this Department has been receiving representations/grievances from retired government servants for inaccurate and delayed GPF settlement alongwith interest, on their retirement, due to frequent instances of missing credits in their GPF accounts. The missing credits in GPF were reported mostly by subscribers, who during their service moved from one establishment to another or were assigned foreign deputation and also by officers of All India Services, who proceeded on deputation outside their cadres. Therefore, this Department vide OM of even number dated 17.07.2020 issued instructions in respect of GPF accounts for greater transparency and also to avoid missing entries in GPF accumulation, etc. A copy of the OM dated 17.07.2020 is attached.

2. In this connection, the instructions issued in this Departmentโ€™s OM dated 17.07.2020 are reiterated and all Ministries/Departments and their Attached and Subordinate Offices are requested to bring these instructions to the notice of all concerned for strict compliance.

3. This issues with the approval of competent authority in the Department.

(เคตเคฟเคถเคพเคฒ เค•เฅเคฎเคพเคฐ)
เค…เคตเคฐ เคธเคšเคฟเคต, เคญเคพเคฐเคค เคธเคฐเค•เคพเคฐ

1. All Ministries/Departments, Government of India
2. Controller & Accountant General of India
3. Controller General of Accounts
4. All Accountant General (State)
9. NIC, DoP&PW: for uploading on website of this Department.


Source: DoP&PW PDF View/Download