Credit of Earned Leave in lieu of duty performed by the vacational staff during the vacation / breaks-clarification

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Credit of Earned Leave in lieu of duty performed by the vacational staff during the vacation / breaks-clarification

Credit of Earned Leave in lieu of duty performed by the vacational staff during the vacation / breaks-clarification


Ministry of Education, Govt. of India
Head Quarters, New Delhi
18, Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg, New Delhi 110 016

F. No: F.11029-9/2020-KVS(HQ)/ (Admn-I)/1022-28

Date: 31.08.2022


Sub: Credit of Earned Leave in lieu of duty performed by the vacational staff during the vacation / breaks-clarification thereon.

Pursuant to Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (DoPT) dated 11th December, 2018 which was notified in Gazette notification dated 14ยฐ December, 2018 . Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 1972- Section 2 in Rule 28, in Sub Rule (1) Clause (b) (Copy enclosed) in respect of any year in which a Govt. Servant avails the portion of the vacation, he/she shall be entitled to additional Earned Leave in such proportion of twenty days, as the number of days of vacation not taken bears to the full vacation, provided the total Earned Leave credited shall not exceed thirty days in a calendar year.

The matter has been carefully considered and the decision of the KVS is being communicated for compliance as under-

1. The vacational staff that has rendered at least one year service in the KVS will be entitled to have the benefit of the credit of Earned Leave equivalent to 2/5 of the days of duties rendered by them in attending training/in-service course or otherwise specifically called for general duties during the vacations/breaks provided the duration of such duty is not less than 10 days. If duty performed is less than 10 days, Compensatory Leave can be given as per rule.

2. The Earned Leave in lieu of the duty performed during vacations/breaks should be restricted to 30 days Earned Leave in all including 10 days Earned Leave regularly earned by them during a calendar year.

3. The period of journey performed by the Vacational staff in attending the duties during vacation period shall also be considered towards the duty.

4. The provisions regarding credit of EL should be made effective from the date of publication of amended leave rules in official gazette i.e. 14.12.2018. Accordingly all old cases may also be reviewed.

This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.

(Dr. P. Devakumar)
Joint Commissioner (Pers.)

7th CPC Implementation โ€“ CCS Leave Rules 1972 Amendments โ€“ EL Rules in Vacation Deptt, Half Pay Leave Rules, Child Care Leave for Female & Single Male Govt Servant, WRIL & Injury Leave

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