Compendium of instructions for use of staff car in Central Government offices: FinMin OM dated 01.09.2022

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Compendium of instructions for use of staff car in Central Government offices: FinMin OM dated 01.09.2022

Compendium of instructions for use of staff car in Central Government offices: FinMin OM dated 01.09.2022

No. 18(23)/E.Coord-2021
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
North Block, New Delhi

Dated 1st Sep, 2022

Office Memorandum

Subject: Compendium of instructions for use of staff car in Central Government offices- Regarding

The Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance has from time to time issued various instructions on provisions of Staff Cars in Central Government Offices. Many such instructions were issued long back and have become dated. Therefore, the existing instructions have been comprehensively reviewed. Accordingly, this Master OM which consolidates & supersedes all earlier instructions issued on the above matter is hereby circulated for compliance by all Ministries/Departments.

2. This issues with the approval of the Finance Secretary.

Joint Secretary to the Government of India
Email Id:
Telephone: 23095690

1. All Ministries/Departments as per standard mailing list.
2. Financial Advisors of all Ministries/Departments.
3. All Private Secretaries to the Union Ministers
4. NIC for placing a copy on the website.
5. Guard file


 Sr. No  Particulars
 A. Scope of application
 B. Revised and updated provisions
1.  Modalities for purchase of staff car
2 .  Conditions for use of staff car
3.  Control of staff cars and responsibilities of Controlling Officers
4.  Entitlements of staff car
5. Non-official use of staff car by the officers of the rank of Secretary to Government of Indian & above
6. Economizing expenditure on running cost of staff cars                    โ€“
 7.  Maintenance of Log Books
 8.  Miscellaneous
 C.  Appendix: Earlier Staff Car Orders
 D.  Annexure

A. Scope of Application

Ministries /Departments of Government of India and Attached & Subordinate Offices.

B. Revised and updated provisions

The consolidated and updated provisions on various aspects on the use of Staff Car in Central Governments Offices are as follows:

1. Modalities for purchase of Staff Cars

1.1. Cars upto Net Dealer Price of purchase of Rs. 6,00,000/- (Rupee Six Lakhs), available on GeM only shall be considered for purchase as staff car for official use. Accordingly , the Administrative Secretary in consultation with the Financial Advisor ma.y decide on the model based on parameters including price, availability, ease of maintenance, service facility in the specific location of the office, fuel economy, eco-friendliness, standardization for large scale purchases, etc. GeM may ensure that Net Dealer Price of all the vehicles is listed on the website.

1.2. All purchases for new staff cars by way of an addition to the existing fleet or for purchase in case of opening up of a new office or on account of addition of a new activity to an existing office or against condemnation of an existing staff car, must be made after due and careful consideration based on adequate justification, running and life cycle cost and its impact on the overall expenditure of the office in question and provided adequate budget provision has been catered for . The decision to purchase the staff car in this regard shall be taken at the level of Administrative Secretary of Ministry/Department in consultation with the Financial Advisor. In addition to this , purchase of vehicles other than staff cars for operational need is also allowed.

1.3. All the Ministries/Departments may aim at replacing the petrol and diesel cars hired by Ministries/Departments in their Secretariats and attached offices (located in Delhi) through contractors by electric cars for mobility in Delhi. In cases where existing contracts for hiring of petrol/diesel vehicles have come to an end, Ministries/Departments may consider fresh contract for hiring electric vehicles .

1.4. In regard to the purchase of staff cars for Missions/Posts abroad which are within the sanctioned strength of Missions/Posts abroad and are under the price ceiling of the approved model of flag car and staff car (as per car code issued by MEA), approval of Department of Expenditure is not required. Any deviation from the above and determination of the sanctioned strength of the vehicles including initial purchase will require approval of Department of Expenditure.

2. Conditions for use of staff car

2.1. The use of staff cars is to be made for bona-fide official purpose. The bonaยญ fide official purpose will be determined by the Department of the Central Government. Staff Cars will not be used for official journeys outside headquarters, without the approval of the Competent Authority.

2.2. Duty journeys shall have preference over non duty journeys

2.3. Central Government officials will not keep at their disposal staff cars belonging to the Government Undertakings or of Quasi Government/Autonomous Organizations/ Public Sector Undertakings except when on tour.

3. Control of Staff Cars and responsibilities of Controlling Officers:

3.1. The staff car will be under the administrative control of an officer not below the rank of an Under Secretary who will act as a Controlling Officer in respect of the car.

3.2. . The Controlling Officer will be responsible for the proper use, care and maintenance of the car and for regulating its journey generally in accordance with these rules.

3.3. The Controlling Officer shall maintain a Log book, a record of repairs and replacement indicating the cost and the dates on which carried out and of spare parts in the pro forma prescribed as Annexure-1 to these rules, a register showing cost of petrol etc., consumed and all incidental receipts and expenditure and an inventory of the equipment.

4 . Entitlement of staff car

4.1. The following categories of officers, are entitled for availing the facility of staff cars:

(a) Officers of the rank of Joint Secretary to Government of India and above;
(b) Heads of Departments , drawing pay in the Senior Administrative Grade and above;

4.2. Such facility will be subject to the condition that the admissible Transport Allowance, which is at present admissible @ Rs. 15, 750 plus DA thereon in terms of this Ministryโ€™s OM No. 21/5/2017-E.ll.B dated 07.07.2017, shall not be admissible.

4.3. An entitled officer may be allowed to avail of the facility of staff car during training for journeys from residence to Training Institute/place subject to the following conditions:

(a) If the officer is still in the sanctioned strength of posts of the Ministry/Department;
(b) The officer is entitled for staff car facility as per point 4.1 above.
(c) Training period is treated as on duty;
(d) Place of Training/Training Institute is within the territory of headquarters/place of work;
(e) The officer has not availed of similar facility from the training institute.

5. Non-official use of Staff Car by entitled officers

The use of staff car for limited non-official purpose by the entitled officers is allowed upto 500 Kilometres on payment of Rs. 3,000/- (Rupee Three Thousand) per month and also by forgoing the entitled Transport Allowance of Rs. 15,750 + current DA. Further, beyond 500 km usage in a month, an amount of Rs. 24/- will be payable for every additional kilometre.

6. Economizing expenditure on running cost of staff cars

6.1. Careful and prudential use of staff cars so as to ensure economy in fuel and lubricant consumption shall be given due priority and all efforts be made to observe economy in expenditure thereon.

6.2. . The ceiling for fuel consumption for each staff car is fixed at 250 Litres per month. Payment for over the stipulated limit shall be made only with the approval of Administrative Secretary and the concurrence of Financial Advisor.

6.3. Parking of Government cars in the residence of officers or drivers should be avoided keeping in mind the consumption of dead mileage.

7. Maintenance of Log Books

7.1. Entries in Logbooks should be made mandatorily along with the following particulars:

(a) The mileage at the start and at the completion of their trip (after verifying the milometer).
(b) Particulars to indicate that the journeys were an official business.

7.2. A Senior Officer preferably of the rank of Joint Secretary in each Ministry should scrutinize the Logbook once a month to ensure that there is no misuse and that all Officers who used the staff cars have made the necessary entries. A certificate to this effect should be recorded in the Logbook by the officer so authorized.
7.3. The Logbook in respect of each staff car should be closed at the end of the month and a summary prepared in the Logbook showing details of duty and non-duty journeys performed during the month (Annexure.11).
7.4. The Logbooks may be preserved as per the period stipulated in the Record Retention Schedule issued by DARPG, revised from time to time.

8. Miscellaneous

8.1. The Ministries/Departments may get their staff car serviced/repaired at the authorized service stations at their discretion. Record of repairs of staff car shall be maintained as per the pro forma at Annexure. I .

8.2. Private/Personal vehicles owned by the Government employees shall not be permitted to mention โ€œGovernment of Indiaโ€ on the vehicle.

8.3. Staff cars hired/owned by Gal should prominently display stickers in the front and at the rear indicating that they are staff cars of a specified Ministry or Department.

8.4. Cases relating to mature condemnation of vehicles shall continue to be dealt as per Delegation of Financial power Rules. Cases relating to pre-mature condemnation of vehicles will require the approval of Department of Expenditure.

8.5. Old and unserviceable staff cars will be disposed of to the best advantage of Government with the provisions of General Financial Rules or any other relevant rules.

8.6. Ministries/Department may make payment of compensation to the victims of road accidents involving motor vehicles including staff cars, owned by the Central Government, in accordance with the provisions contained in the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, as amended in 2019. Payment of compensation in such cases would, however, not preclude the Government from taking disciplinary action, including recovery of loss incurred by the Government, against the driver of the Government vehicle, if considered necessary. Nor will such payment exempt the
drivers from any criminal liability resulting from the accident.

C. Appendix

List of Staff Car Orders consolidated/superseded by this OM

S. No

Order No. Summary
1. 3( 1)-E.II(A)/69 dt .16.03.1970 Government bicycles could be issued to staff car drivers if
the distance between their residence and the garages is not less than 1.6 kms, so that they do not take staff cars home.
2. 3(12)-E.II(A) dt. 22.11.1972 Senior Officer, preferably of the rank of Joint Secretary should scrutinize the Log Book once a month to ensure that there is no misuse.
3. 3(8)-E.II(A)/63 dt. 17.12.1973 Staff cars should carry prominently plates in the front and at the rear indicating that they are staff cars of a specified Ministry or Department. These plates should be fixed in addition to the prescribed number plates.
4. 3(6)-E.II(A)/74 dt. 15.06.74 Rules to be enforced rigorously so that there is no misuse of staff cars .Journeys for purposes of shopping, amusements , parties, pleasure trips etc are not permissible.
5. 9(6)-E.II(A)/73 dt. 20.03.1974 Staff cars-Parking in garage near place of duty.

To reduce dead mileage and curbinQ consumption of petrol.

6. 3( 16)-E.II(A)/84-


dt .20.02.1985

Use of official cars by Senior Officers of the Government of India.

Officers of the rank of Secretary to the Gol may be allowed the use of official car for private purposes upto 500 kms per month on payment.

7. 3(16)-E.II(A)/84- (3)

dt .21.02.1985

Journey in official car between office and residence shall be treated as duty journeys in the case of Heads of Department of Central Government in the field in the Senior Administrative Grade and above.
8. 3(15)-E.II(A)/86- (14)

dt .03.02.1987

Road mileage be paid to officers attending official meetings at Delhi/New Delhi , in lieu of use of staff car.

Staff cars journeys performed in metropolitan cities of Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai should not be permitted except in exceptional circumstances .

9. 1(42)-E.II(A)/87 Dt. 01.06.1990 Use of staff cars by Senior Officers of Gol, Heads of Departments of Central Governments in the field in the SAG

& Above and Chief Executives of Statutory/ABS

10. 3(3)-E.II(A)/90 dt .24.08.1990 Economy in consumption of petrol/diesel in the cars used by the Ministers.Ceiling of 6001 per Quarter in respect of all the cars used by the Ministers and their personal staff.
11. 3(3)-E.II(A)/90(2) dt .18.01.1991 Economy in consumption of petrol/diesel in Government vehicles including staff cars-Prohibiting use of staff cars and Government vehicles on SUNDAYS .

Staff cars of PSUs/ABs to be used only while on tour.

12. 20(5)-E.II(A)/93 dt .28.01.1994 Use of staff cars by Senior officers of the Government in the field in the Senior Administrative Grade and above and Chief Executives of Statutory/Autonomous Bodies.

Officers of the rank of Joint Secretary and above who desires to avail of the facility of the use of the staff cars for journeys from residence to office and back shall now pay at the following rates:

JS :Rs .100 /pm

AS and above :Rs 150/pm

13. 3(6)/E.II(A)/95 dt. 05.06.1995 Compensation to third parties in case of accident involving Government vehicles.
14. 3(3)-E. 1 l(A)/96 dt .08.07.1996 Air conditioners may be provided in the staff cars used by officers of the level of Secretary and above, if desired by them
15. 3(1)-E.II(A)/99 dt .09.02.1999 Recovery of charges for staff cars used for private purposes by officers of the level of Secretary to the Gol and above . (enhancement of charges initially introduced vide OM dt. 20.02.1985 [SI. No.61)
16. 3(1)/E.II(A)/2009 dt .30.06.2009 Provision of Air-conditioned Staff Cars to the officers of level of Joint Secretary and equivalent.
17. 03( 1)/E.IIA/2009 dt.06.08.2014 Purchase of Staff Cars by Ministries/Department.Model of staff cars with Net Dealer Price of uptoRs .4,75,000 -/shall be considered.
18. 25(7)/E.Coord/20


Switch over from petrol and diesel vehicles to electrical vehicles for hired vehicles in Secretariats/Attached offices of Ministries and Departments of Government of India located in Delhi.
19. 7(1)/E.Coord/201


Lifting of the ban on purchase of new vehicles by Ministries/Departments

D. Annexures



1. Name of Ministry/Department:

2. Model of the Car/Chassis No.:

3. Engine No:

4. Date of purchase:

5. Cost of the car:

6. Registration No:

SI. No.
Date of Repairs
Name of dealer from whom the car has been repaired
Nature of repairs carried out
Bill No. and Date
Expenditure incurred
Progressive expenditure
Remarks, if any
Signature of the controlling officer



For the month of โ€ฆ โ€ฆ โ€ฆ โ€ฆ

Sl. No No. of staff car Miles/Km covered for Total Time spent on non- duty journeys Reading of Milometer/ Kilometre Remarks
Duty Non- Duty Within normal duty hours Outside normal duty hours or on Sundays and closed holidays On 1st day On last day
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



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  • Abdul Kayyum 12 months ago

    I have a Aura commercial car 9 months old. I want to attach in government office

  • Vikas Kumar 1 year ago

    I have a black Scorpio classic s
    I want to attach govt officer officer
    Please call me -8527872919