Booking of Air ticket on Tour/LTC through Authorized Travel Agents: PCDA has instructed that Air Tickets for the purpose of TD/LTC. be strictly booked through Authorized agents only.
Office of the Principal Controller of Defence Accounts
No. 107, Lower Agram Road, Agram Post, Bangalore โ 560 007
(Through Website)
Dated: 19/09/2022
All sections in Main Office
All sub offices under PCDA, Bangalore
Sub: Booking of Air ticket on Tour/LTC through Authorized Travel Agents โ reg
A copy of Ministry of Finance, Dept of Expendture OM No.19024/03/2021-E.IV dated 16.06.2022 received under HOQrs letter No.Estt.-Pay Tech/19015/Govt Orders/TADA/LTC/ Medical dated 01.07.2022 is forwarded herewith for information, guidance and strict compliance please.
Read also: Modification of instructions regarding Booking of Air Tickets on Government account: DoE, FinMin OM dated 16.06.2022
Off late AN Pay II section is in receipt of claims wherein Officers & Staffs are booking the air tickets through unauthorised agents/Airline website as a matter of routine and seeking relaxation for condoning the same which has been viewed very seriously by the Competent Authority.
Seeking relaxation vide Para 10 of MoF OM dated 16.062022 wherein it is stated that โin case of unavoidable circumstances where the booking of ticket is done from unauthorised travel agent/website, the FA of Ministry/Dept and HOD not below the rank of Joint Secretary in subordinate/attached offices are authorised to grant relaxationโ, seeking relaxation as a routine matter is not permitted and should not be encouraged.
Read also: Booking of Air Tickets on Government Account in respect of LTC: Instructions by DoP&T vide OM dated 29.08.2022
In view of the above, it s reiterated that Air Tickets for the purpose of TD/LTC. be strictly booked through Authorized agents only. Air Ticket booked/purchased through other than the authorised agents will not be entertained.
Encl : As above