Constitution of 8th Central Pay Commission (8th CPC) – Official Statement आठवें केंद्रीय वेतन आयोग (8वॉं सीपीसी) के गठन पर आधिकारिक बयान

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Constitution of 8th Central Pay Commission (8th CPC) – Official Statement आठवें केंद्रीय वेतन आयोग (8वॉं सीपीसी) के गठन पर आधिकारिक बयान

Constitution of 8th Central Pay Commission (8th CPC) – Official Statement आठवें केंद्रीय वेतन आयोग (8वॉं सीपीसी) के गठन पर आधिकारिक बयान

Constitution of 8th Central Pay Commission (8th CPC) – Official Statement

SRAVANA 11, 1944 (SAKA)

“Review of salary/allowances/pension of Central Government employees/pensioners”

1807: Shri Naranbhai J. Rathwa
Will the Minister of Finance be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Government is considering not to constitute 8th Central Pay Commission (CPC) to revise salaries, allowances and pension of Central Government employees and pensioners;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor;

(c) whether it is also a fact that 7 CPC had recommended that Government should review the salary, allowances and pension of employees and pensioners every year rather than forming a new Pay Commission after a long period of ten years; and

(d) if so, the reasons for not implementing the recommendations of 7th CPC so far?



(a) No, Sir.

(b) Does not arise.

(c) The Chairman of 7th CPC in his forwarding of the Report in Para 1.22 had recommended that the matrix may be reviewed periodically without waiting for the long period of ten years. It can be reviewed and revised on the basis of the Aykroyd formula which takes into consideration the changes prices of the commodities that constitute a common man’s basket, which the Labour Bureau at Shimla reviews periodically. It is suggested that this should be made the basis for revision of that matrix periodically without waiting for another Pay Commission.

(d) This issue has not been considered by the Union Cabinet while according the approval for the revision of pay and allowances based on 7th CPC.




आठवें केंद्रीय वेतन आयोग (सीपीसी) के गठन पर आधिकारिक बयान

भारत सरकार
वित्त मंत्रालय
व्यय विभाग
राज्य सभा
लिखित प्रश्न संख्या – 1807
मंगलवार, 2 अगस्त, 2022 / 171 श्रावण; 71944 (शक)

केंद्र सरकार के कर्मचारियों/पेंशनभोगियों के वेतन/भत्तों/पेंशन की समीक्षा

1807. श्री नारण भाई जे. राठवा:
क्या वित्त मंत्री यह बताने की कृपा करेंगे किः

(क) क्या यह सच है कि सरकार केंद्र सरकार के कर्मचारियों और पेंशनभोगियों के वेतन, भत्तों और पेंशन में संशोधन के लिए आठवें केंद्रीय वेतन आयोग (सीपीसी) का गठन नहीं करने पर विचार कर रही है;

(ख) यदि हां, तो तत्संबंधी ब्यौरा क्या है और इसके क्या कारण हैं;

(ग) कया यह भी सच है कि सातवें केन्द्रीय वेतन आयोग ने सिफारिश की थी कि सरकार को कर्मचारियों और पेंशनभोगियों के लिए दस साल की लंबी अवधि के बाद नया वेतन आयोग बनाने के बजाय इनके वेतन, भत्तों और पेंशन की समीक्षा प्रत्येक वर्ष करनी चाहिए; और

(घ) यदि हां, तो सातवें केन्द्रीय वेतन आयोग की सिफारिशों को अभी तक लागू नहीं करने के क्या कारण हैं?


वित्त मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री (श्री पंकज चाधरी) क

(क) जी, नहीं।

(ख) प्रश्न नहीं उठता।

(ग) सातवें केन्द्रीय वेतन आयोग के अध्यक्ष ने अपनी रिपोर्ट अग्रेषित करते हुए पैरा 1.22 में यह सिफारिश की थी कि मेट्रिक्स को दस वर्ष की लंबी अवधि की प्रतीक्षा किए बिना आवधिक रूप से पुनरीक्षित किया जाए। इसे एक्रॉयड फार्मूला आधार पर पुनरीक्षित और संशोधित किया जा सकता है। जिसमें ऐसी उपयोगी वस्तुओं के मूल्य परिवर्तनों को विचार के लिए शामित्र किया जाता है जो सामान्य व्यक्ति की जरूरतों में शामिल होती हैं, जिनकी शिमला स्थित श्रम ब्यूरो आवधिक रूप से समीक्षा करता है। सुझाव है कि नए वेतन आयोग की प्रतीक्षा किए बिना उस मेट्रिक्स को आवधिक रूप से संशोधित करने के लिए इसे ही आधार बनाया जाना चाहिए।

(घ) सातवें केन्द्रीय वेतन आयोग के आधार पर वेतन और भत्तों के संशोधन के लिए अनुमोदन प्रदान करते समय केन्द्रीय मंत्रिमंडल द्वारा इस मुद्दे पर विचार नहीं किया गया है।



Source: Rajya Sabha PDF View/Download


  • Rcauvdv 2 years ago

    Are sab garibo se GST laga ke salary dena chodo samjha

  • Raman 2 years ago

    The formation of 8 th Pay Commission is very doubtful.The present government with brutal majority in Parliament will give all exercises for not approving it and all of you know how our entire efforts failed even to increase the fitment factor in the last pay revision. Either the unions were bought or silenced by other means.Now the recommendations of 7 th pay commission about formation pay commission every 10 years will help the present government to straightaway reject 8 th Pay Commission formation.In respect of our politicians enjoying enormous benefits,you must understand that they are the privileged section of the society born with Silver Spoon.But for Covid they had not got their pay hike.Otherwise it would have atleast doubled now.Following their path only our bureaucrats have turned out to be totally corrupt and not ready to any service to the people.Both are doing very good business through their profession.

  • Vidhi Advani 2 years ago

    What about state governments employees. There ate still not getting 7 pay?

  • S. Banerjee 2 years ago

    There will be no end of controversy between politician and common person as the two dimension is totally different but should be transparent with all classes of people. Otherwise nobody save the people of country and alwyas avoid the smallest error talk too much. Anyway hope the next pay commison govt should add some benefits for pensioners as ton of family still depends on a single family pensioners.

  • Madhavankutty 2 years ago

    In indian parliament run a cantin for MPs, the good supplied vrery cheap rate in a highest quality is loosing crores of INR, for MP has provide copanians Or spouse free, and free travel in Rajdhani and Air , One of ex Minister was issued Green card for his may while collecting 30 to 40 thousand to travel in Rajdhani n Augest crathi, Business man MP s carring huble good free of cost to supply to his counter part like many advantage. How many politisiins are loyal to nation or there constituency. There was MP danding on Adir Chowdhary due to slip up of his tung what is the standard and culture of so..,. Today’s politisiins are registered their skin some were but not know in which office

  • Swapan Chakraborty 2 years ago


  • Rakesh pandey 2 years ago

    Ha kyu sochenge iske bare me khud k bare me sochne se fursat hi nahi hai na banki to pagal hai unko paise ki jaroorat nahi kyuki mantriyon ne sb kuchh free me provide kara rakha hai