Stepping up of Pay of Seniors in comparison to Pay of Juniors: PCDA(O) Message dated 27.07.2022 with claim form 

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Stepping up of Pay of Seniors in comparison to Pay of Juniors: PCDA(O) Message dated 27.07.2022 with claim form 

Stepping up of Pay of Seniors in comparison to Pay of Juniors: PCDA(O) Message dated 27.07.2022 with claim form

Message on Website

Subject : Stepping up of Pay of Seniors in comparison to Pay of Juniors


Consequent to issue of Gol, MoF OM No 4-21/2017-IC/E.IIIA dated 28/11/2019, cases are coming to light wherein Junior Officer is drawing more pay than the Senior after earning Incrementโ€™ (after 6 months), in cases where Officers have exercised option for fixation of pay on promotion from DNI in the lower rank.

2. The issue was referred to MoD, New Delhi for clarification. It has now been intimated vide DoE, vide MoD, DMA (Pay/Services)/D(Pay/Services) Part-1 dated 01/07/2022 that DoE, vide their ID No 03-27/2020-E.III A dated 27/06/2022 have clarified the above issue as follows :

โ€œโ€ฆโ€ฆ.. Stepping up of pay in terms of the provisions contained in Sub-Rule 10(i) of Rule 7 of the CCS (RP) Rules, 2016 may be allowed to the Senior Govt Servants with reference to their Junior Govt Servants where such Junior Govt Servants accrued the next increment on the following 1st Jan or 1st July on completion of a period of 6 months qualifying service as per the OM dated 31/07/2018 provided the conditions laid down therein are strictly followed and the retired Govt Servants were in service on the date of effect of stepping up of pay and also it must be ensured that the junior is drawing the same pay six months before the Senior i.e. stepping up of pay is to be extended to the senior only when pay drawn by the Junior on 1st Jan/1st Jul is drawn by the Senior after 6 months on 1st Jan/1st Jul as the case may beโ€.

Accordingly, action is being taken to Step up the Pay of Senior Officers which have already been referred to the O/o the PCDA(QO), Pune. Other affected Army Officers (Serving and Retired) are requested to forward their case duly giving Personal Number, CDA A/c No., โ€˜Name of the Junior Officer of the same corps and same rank / Comparative Statement (format enclosed) to enable Office of the PCDA(O) to step up the Pay of the Officer with reference to the pay of Junior Officer.

Performa for claiming stepping up of Pay with Compare to Junior of Same Pay Level

Event Senior Junior Validation
No. and Name      
Date of Seniority/ Date of Commission      
Present promoted rank      
Date of present Promotion      
Basic pay as on 01 July 2015 (6th CPC)      
Basic Pay as on 01 Jan 2016(7th CPC)      
Basic pay on date of Promotion for Junior (01 Jan or 01 Jul)      

Signature of claimant Officer

Source: Click here to view/download PDF


  • Ravi kumar Lalla 2 years ago

    Respected sir
    MY question is what is check list annxeure III for revision option & how it is filled
    2) As per PCDA (WC) CHANDIGARH order in my pay anomaly case further regarding revision of option is concerned it is advised that action may please be taken as per annxexure III of under check list for the cases of revised option GOI decision no 23 under FR 22of FRSR PART 1 GENERAL RULES 2017 EDITION DOPT FNO 17 5 2008 PAY 1DATED 29 6 2008 WILL I GET REVISION OF OPTION FROM JULY 2001 TO APRIL 2002 ACTUAL MONTH OF MY INCREMENT YOU ARE REQUESTED TO PLEASE GIDE ME IN THIS CONNECTION I AM RETIRED FROM DEFENCE CIVILLAN MY EMAIL ravikumarlalla[at] contact no is 9419623265

  • Ashok Wadhwa 2 years ago

    Please provide the copy/ link for clarifications vide DoE ID No 03-27/2020-E.III A dated 27/06/2022. I am also sufferer as my Juniors are drawing more salary six months in advance due to increment on Jan every year and I get it in July

  • Swapan Chakraborty 3 years ago
